Mon, 7 May 2018
It's TIME FOR THE SHOW! Not this show, but the TIME FOR THE SHOW show! After about 35 years of Hour of Slack, The Puzzling Evidence Show, and "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, and National Cynical Radio, and Radio Synesthesia, there are now NEW SubGenius shows by people who are only in their 30s and 40s and 50s instead of their 60s and 70s! -- of which TIME FOR THE SHOW is the oldest, clocking in at SEVENTEEN WEEKLY EPISODES so far! In fact, because I Stang am leaving for Portugal tomorrow to shoot Dr. G. Gordon Gordon for letting "Bob" get shot, I'm just gonna save myself some rushed editing, and play the first HALF of that 2-hour 17th podcast episode. So say hello to Argus, Fidd and Peas, those smart-alecky highjinx-committing scalawags, whose cusswords I'll have to cut for the broadcast version. |