The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast
The Church of the SubGenius Weekly Radio Ministry

RADIO SAFE! But maybe not Brain or Hearing Safe. (Look what it's done to Stang.) New Rudy Schwartz Project songs including "Intelligent Design" and "Adjacent to the Latex Gerbil" from the album of the same evocative name! The music is all new and the yakkery is all old Puzzling Evidence from KPFA Berekeley with Philo, Hal and Puzzling, and Don Joyce, and from WCSB Cleveland, with Lonecow Dave, Chas Smith, Dr. Hal and Dr. Sinister. There are some excellent collages by LeMur and Lymph Node Institute. The Swinging Love Corpses play their best song. Rev. J. Cobblestone offers a brand new Dobbs hymn, and Rev. Squalis Friday returns.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1834.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:19pm CST