The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast
The Church of the SubGenius Weekly Radio Ministry

This episode assembled itself from various dope-related contributions by our best collagiasts (including LeMur, The Large and the newly-returned Heart Ignition), mixed with semi-appropriate cuts from the 13 X-Day live events: music, rants, and other mischief. It is a joyous celebration indeed. Munky Hyv, Rev. Jannus, Phat ManDee (three songs!), Tommy Amoeba, Jere Faison and Rev. Crazy Jim Jones are represented. We also hear, despite the taint of slight popularity, somewhat-commercialy-recorded music by DEVO and Jonathan Coulton.


Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1269.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:53pm CST