Thu, 30 July 2015
We record two live Hours of Slack each day at the X-Day Drills, and this is the second one from the first day, with Rev. Baby Bear taking Slot 3 of the 3-slot Tarzan's Radio Station "studio" -- which is on a picnic table in an outdoor café at Wisteria Community campground. This particular episode sounds more like normal radio because we were deliberately being stupid with "jock radio sound effects" like whistles and squeak-dildoes. Baby Bear and Hal try to be upbeat despite Stang's constant dour doomsayings and criticisms; nonetheless, it is a real nerd-out, with endless asides about old TV shows, comic books, and gaming. The discussion occasionally rises to lofty peaks, only to be immediately dragged down into the mud repeatedly. TYPICAL! One saving grace of this episode is that it has really gorgeous background music, from the coolest of sources. We're still hard at work organizing and editing the recordings of ranters and bands, but those will be forthcoming in good time. |
Mon, 27 July 2015
Dr. Hal, Rev. Stang, the Lonesome Cowboy, and a mess of callers continue as guests on the second part of Dr. Sinister's Radio Synaesthesia from June 28, just before 18X-Day. The list of subject matters covered (on the text log at is a couple of pages long, but as you might guess, both dinosaurs and low budget old sci fi movies are covered, along with eternal verities, inspirational real-life anecdotes, and a lot of smart-assery. The Paleo Diet and flying saucer sightings also get the treatment. And Rev. Ivan Stang once again reverts to his alter ego, the shriekingly angry teabucker redneck Yahoo-commenter inside him. |
Mon, 20 July 2015
Dr. Hal and Rev. Stang, joined by Priestess Pisces and then Rev. Baby Bear, batten down the hatches and face the weather for this year's first show before the live SubGenius audience at Wisteria Community campground, at the beginning of 18 X-Day, which turned out to be the 20th X-Day Drill. WE DID NOT KNOW THAT AT THE TIME, however. To us it was but a scant few days before the end of the world for all humans, and the beginning of the Beginning of the New World for all SubGeniuses. So we were pretty excited! Technically, this show was recorded June 30th, "2015," starting at 2 p.m. As always, a detailed log of the discussion can be found at the Hour of Slack section of |
Wed, 15 July 2015
"Pull the Pork Over Your Own Eyes." We returned, alive, from both the X-Day Drill and Starwood Festival, with 20-some-odd hours of recordings. The sorting and editing of all that audio will take some time, so for this episode we're taking the easy way out by stealing Dr. Sinister's show on WCSB Cleveland, Radio Synaesthesia, from June 28, "2015." Dr. Hal, Rev. Stang, Princess Wei and Lonesome Cowboy Dave were all guests, along with a type of creature that The Hour of Slack rarely attempts to domesticate: CALLERS. And this is only the first half of Dr. Sinister's two-hour show! |
Mon, 6 July 2015
Sorry. 18X-Day turned out to be the 20th X-Day Drill. Life goes on, darn it. This episode is from July 5, "2015," when Rev. Stang and Dr. Hal made it back to the Cleveland radio station of WCSB just in time after driving in from the Ohio Outback. Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in and is given a rough account of the events of that tumultuous week of SubGenius events building up to our seemingly annual anticlimax. It was an exciting week indeed, during which we recorded many great jams and rants, as well as nine "live" Hours of Slack -- all of which will trickle out weekly as we edit the footage down using the secret techniques of Time Control. |