Fri, 26 November 2010
We set out to make a show from the 2010 DEVOtional, the annual Devo fan event held in Cleveland -- but there is easily enough for 3 shows, so just to make the selecting easier we decided to utilize mostly the DEVO covers done by bands that are also associated with Church of the SubGenius. That narrowed it down some. New songs, collages and DEVO covers by: The Mutant Mountin' Boys, William Devo, The Doktormuzika Project, The Spudboys, Mutate Now, Occupant, Poopy Necroponde, The Amino Acids, Psycho Charger, The Arkhams, Rural War Room, PEVO, Gadgetto, The Large, LeMur, Phantom Burnout, Rev. Bleepo Abernathy and (on the X-Rated Internet version only) Kitty Sneezes. Thanks to Rev. Toth Wilder for producing the DEVO-covers compilation album, Not Necessarily Beautiful But Mutated (2010), from which many of the songs are taken. |
Wed, 17 November 2010
Some weeks, this show is just thrown together. But this is one of those episodes for which we started gathering clips months ago, and for which much ass was busted in editing. It's our annual "7 a.m. July 5" show, the culmination of all our expectations (and uncannily apt sound bites from other media) regarding "Bob's" Promise of X-Day -- and the subsequent let-down or encouragement, depending on how one sees it. We let the Internet version of this show go on longer than an hour; the censored broadcast version is just under 1 hour and lacks the three profanity-based cuts at the end. Music by 6 Fisted Tails of Connie, Munky Hyv, and Xandy Smith. Main voices are Dr. Hal, Dr. Philo Drummond, and Rev. Stang. (Note: LOST fanatics will get a kick out of the climax.) |
Mon, 8 November 2010
We were sent several mysterious and, it turns out, wonderful CDs from new contributors, and (for starts) these various Sons of Negativland form a nifty background for our annual pledge drive show for WCSB-Cleveland. Even after the pledge drive has ended in Cleveland, even if the sorry excuses for listeners have no intention of pledging, the ranting, collages and music in the episode will be better than they deserve. Only the Great Ones who contributed are worthy to hear this; and yet, we allow the rest to hear it anyway. Stang goes completely apeshit in the last half. But remember -- until you pledge, you're just eavesdropping. Online credit card pledges can be made at; the phone number until Nov. 14 is 216-687-6900. (We removed the full number and other details to prevent confusion when this is heard on other stations besides WCSB.) |
Mon, 1 November 2010
We don't often do timely shows, but this one is made to be heard before Tuesday, Nov. 2. It's our "Why We Vote" special -- appropriately, recorded on Halloween night of 2010. After some choice clips from past shows and collages concerning the world of monsters and politics, we continue to explore that theme, live in the studio, with Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Princess Wei 'R.' Doe, and Rev. Ivan Stang on blabberlips. We try not to get too clearly or overtly political on Hour of Slack, but in this particular episode, Rev. Stang lets out some steam that he has evidently been holding in for some time. Learn why The Monsters Are Coming to Maple Street and how to stop them. |