Wed, 24 February 2016
This episode is entirely composed of Rev. Ivan Stang's rant at the Starwood Festival of 2015. This internet version contains a section of the show that broadcast radio listeners won't hear: four RAUNCHY songs performed by the duo of Princess Wei and her mom WeiMawMaw, who is 87. The four songs that those two gals did were SO FILTHY DIRTY that it would definitely be considered offensive by FCC community standards. Starwood is held at Wisteria in southern Ohio the week after our X-Day Drills (see or look at the SubGenius events page on Related to Starwood, the Winterstar Ball is happening on Feb. 28 in Cleveland at The Beachland Ballroom, with Rev. Baby Bear doing the SubGenius preaching. |
Wed, 17 February 2016
Another OLDEST old-fashioned SubGenius Media Barrage -- from 1981, before the Hour of Slack. We started unearthing these ancient recordings for the History of SubGenius online course at Maybe Logic Academy. This is an edited report on the First World SubGenius Convention, held Nov. 22 1981 weekend in Dallas. The early Doktors and Hierarchites include Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Ivan Stang, Puzzling Evidence, Pope of All New York David N. Meyer, Pope Sternodox Keckhaver, LIES/St. Palmer Vreedeez, Hellswami Satellite Weavers, St. Byron Werner, Rev. Mark Mothersbaugh, Glassmadness, Dr. Snavely Eklund, Janor Hypercleats, Doktors 4 Wotan, Drs. 4 "Bob," The One-Take Rhythm Killers, The Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer Launchers Society, and Former SubGenius Pastor Buck Naked. This includes several clips of the very first "SubGenius Panel Discussion" which, for better or worse, set the format for most future SubGenius radio talk shows. These recordings are so ancient that Rev. Stang was still sometimes being called "Doug." The recordings may be rough, and in the extreme stereo of those days, but they accurately capture the fervor that gripped the early Doktors and Saints in those fantastically innocent days. We don't usually go out of the way to recommend listening in headphones these days, but we did when we were releasing these tapes, and for good reason. We would stop just short of saying this stuff was originally meant to be heard on acid. Super Bonus: Dr. Philo Drummond sings 96 Tears with Rev. Stang on keyboards! |
Tue, 9 February 2016
STARRING REV. NICKIE DEATHCHICK!! A good all-purpose rerun of #774 from 2001, centered around various Time Control lessons, adoration of Connie Dobbs, the clock in your forehead, Rev. Nickie Deathhick's sexy sermons from the 2001 Tucson Oasis Devival, and some classic ESO Radio clips in which we describe the strange events at said Tucson devival. EARTH NEEDS WOMEN! This episode is also loaded with collages by Lemur, Amazonia Protectrix, Nu-Monet, and Jupiter Research; we also hear Rush Limbaugh sing "I'm a Nazi," and some music (and news) from The Bran Flakes. Rev. Bleepo Abernathy's Time Control ad is a cornerstone and the capstone is Rev. Nickie Deathchick's bonus XXX-rant at the end: "My Blow Jobs Are So Good..." |
Wed, 3 February 2016
Another OLDEST old-fashioned Hour of Slack rerun -- from 1981, before the Hour of Slack! This one mixes the last part of Media Barrage #1 with the first collection of "Bob" hymns, the album Bobsongs 1. Our first two albums! The early Doktors on it are Philo Drummond, Ivan Stang, the late Dr. X (Lamont Duvoe), The Pink Boys, Gary G'Broagfran, Puzzling Evidence, LIES, Glassmadness, Doktors for Odin, Doktors 4 Wotan, Drs. 4 "Bob," Rev. Kevin Wilson, Roberto de la Rosa (aka Rev. David Boone), the mysterious Doug3 of Houston and Rev. Buck Naked. Includes preaching cuts from early 1980 devivals held in back yards, Wotan and Doktormusic sessions, and some truly heartfelt "Bob" hymns. (This compilation first appeared as Hour of Slack #1074.) |