The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast
The Church of the SubGenius Weekly Radio Ministry
Hour of Slack #1602 - SubGenius Annual Xistlessnessmess Mix Rerun

What are the holidays without reruns? Sappy, nostalgia-provoking reruns on TV are what Christmas is all about, right? This is the hoary old annual traditional Xmas Re-Rerun of #867 (and 921 and 1026, 1077, 1129, 1236, 1338, 1497, 1549, etc.), which was itself a condensation of some ancient year's 3-show "Best of Xmas Sickness" compilation, which were themselves the concentrated best-of from 15 years' worth of previous Xmas SubGenius and other Xmas weirdo collections, going back to the show's beginning in 1985 at KNON, Dallas. Includes over 66 separate tracks/songs/bits! And no, not one bit has been changed in all these years. In fact, this year we didn't even change the file name. It's still "1549." Now that's Slack!

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1602.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:28pm CST

Hour of Slack #1601 - Bow Before His Pea-ness

Heavily edited from 19X-Day, this episode features the fun and foibles of Rev. Peas all the way down of it. This would NOT be a good Hour of Slack for beginners or newbies. It is a sickeningly close look at the dark underbelly of the Church of the SubGenius and its called ministers. Well, the first half is, anyway. The last half is an uncut live "broadcast" from Fossil House at Stang Ranch, with Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in by phone. The discussion ties cheap VR sets to tiny hands and the deliberate, planned mass enstupification of Western Civilization. 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:30pm CST

Hour of Slack #1600 - Clothing-Optional Bobtasms Show

We open with a very timely brand new song by Phat Mandee, and then Stang reads a bedtime rant from The SubGenius Psychlopaedia of Slack. The rest is an episode recorded at the 19X-Day Drill at Wisteria, just before the Mass Naked (or not) Bobtism in the pond, with Dr. Hal and Rev. Peas joining host Rev. Stang. This riveting discussion is interspersed with some documentary recordings from the Bobtism itself. Children should not be allowed to watch this episode due to the grossly disgusting visible nudity, especially the peaness of Rev. Peas.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1600.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:25pm CST

Hour of Slack #1599 - Soundtrack of Scrum

You can watch this episode on YouTube! ( ) Sort of. After we finished a video of 19X-Day's Thursday night stage performances, or whatever those things are, we took the soundtrack and edited it down even more, to a mere 23 minutes, excluding parts that have already been heard on Hour of Slack. Basically it is a Thorazine Urine extravaganza with guests such as, well, almost everybody who was at X-Day that night. Then (from Stang Ranch) we called Lonesome Cowboy Dave and chatted for another 45 minutes. Internet listeners may have noticed that we're now putting infomercials at the ends of the Internet versions of these shows. We do this because we can, and all month it's Slack Friday.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1599.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:59pm CST

Hour of Slack #1598 - Hour of Thorazine Urine

We were tempted to title this "Best Show Ever" because it's such a refreshing change from the old guys! Thorazine Urine Podcrust is a loose (and we do mean loose) band of blabbermouths who leapfrogged off Hour of Slack, Puzzling Evidence and "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, did a backflip, and set their hair on fire before landing on a monocycle and peddling around in circles, juggling plates. On Friday afternoon at 19X-Day, Rev. Anna Maul, Rev. Argus Faux, and Rev. Fidd Chewley chewed up the scenery as guest hosts at Tarzan's Radio Station. (With a bigger crowd of zanies and a bunch of musical instruments, they also did some hours on the main stage.) After the podcrust, Stang continues reading from The Bobliographon (Conspiracy chapter). We also hear a new song, "Empire," from Rev. Andrew Genus, and two poems: Dr. Hal reciting "The Vulture" and a creepy original by Rev. Dr. Lee Cypher.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1598.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:27pm CST

Hour of Slack #1597 - SubGeniUS Vs. THEM

With Dammett the hound dog snoring at his side, Rev. Stang preaches from a prophetic chunk of The Bobliographon that was written in 1980 but sounds even more frighteningly accurate today. Before that, however, there are classic songs from The Swingin' Love Corpses and The Rudy Schwartz Project and new instrumentals from Dr. Shoggoth, Rev. Jimmy Ryan, and the Psycho Skeletons. We also hear he second half hour of a 19X-Day live show at Wisteria featuring Dr. Hal, Rev. Baby Bear and Rev. Argus Faux as they discuss, among other things, the bizaarre items brought for the Bulldada Auction. Note: Many listeners will be glad to know that the asshole isn't mentioned in this episode.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1597.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:59pm CST

Hour of Slack #1596 - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Big Lie

After being psychologically knocked for a loop, we are back with ten times as many screaming heads as they tried to cut off! We had a lot of fun assembling this episode, which is actually scripted, in a funny way; it helped us to get over THE HORROR and to move on with THE BATTLE in order to win THE JOKE. For the first half hour we copped (and recut) a lot of uncredited collage work from The Puzzling Evidence Show of the previous week (election week), then called up The Lonesome Cowboy and climbed back into the saddle for another bout in the ring. (Is it possible that a boxing ring is the wrong place for a horse race? WHO CARES? Why not both?) We also copped some good lines from those tricky Scrubgenius forum posters. The Swinging Love Corpses close out this heartfelt show with their prescient song, "We Are Going to Save the Universe."

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1596.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:15am CST

Hour of Slack #1595 - Generic SubGenius Pledge Drive Show

This is Rev. Stang on November 10, “2016,” and I feel like I’ve been being groped by an evil fat man for 2 days straight. I’ll get over the trauma easier than most people but we don’t feel real FUNNY quite yet. Don’t worry, the sick jokes are already starting to flow again. This happened to be pledge drive week at WCSB in Cleveland, and yet the studio phone was disabled, so for now it’s time for the GENERIC PLEDGE DRIVE CD. It’s actually a pretty good collage of old rants, with a cast of dozens, spanning 35 years of pledge drives, but whenever it says to call the station, instead, go to and push the DONATE button. Or, do the RIGHT thing and buy the $35 Membership kit, become a proper legal SubGenius minister finally, and get into the secret GOOD part of the Internet. Both links are right at the top of and you even get to see our classic TV commercial FOR FREE!

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1595.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:54pm CST

Hour of Slack #1594 - Live from Stang Ranch on Dokstok Mountain

It sounds just like a regular WCSB Hour of Slack, but it's not one! The live part where Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in was the first episode recorded in our newly upgraded Tarzan's Radio Station, now located in the living room at Stang Ranch, in extremely rural Stang County, Texas. The setting is different, being festooned with mounted large dead mammal heads instead of punk band bumper stickers, but we still recorded it on Sunday at 9 p.m. EST just like always (8 p.m. in Texas), and we allowed no re-takes, thus making it like a real radio broadcast -- which it will be soon our beloved stations. The first half has the classic song "High on Dokstok Mountain" by The Swingin' Love Corpses and other music by Rev. Jimmy Ryan, Psycho Skeletons and Rev. Experimental, Please, but most is from 19X-Day with some great live radio spouting by Dr. Hal, Rev. Baby Bear, and Rev. Argus Faux (Stang being otherwise occupied, as you'll hear) and some Thorazine Urine Podcrust music-ranting-commercials by a cast of thousands but with Revs. Anna Maul, Faux and Shoggoth being the loudest. 

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1594.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:49pm CST

Hour of Slack #1593 - God Vs. "Bob" Vs. Science

Rerun of #866, from December 2002. Arteests include John Lennon, a lotta Lemur, Bro. Cleve Dunkan doing The SubGenius Alphabet, ESO Radio with Chaz Smith, Lonesome Cowboy Dave and Stang, Zoogz Rift, Drexel, DK Jones, Half Man Half Biscuit, Puzzling Evidence, The Black Lodge Singers, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, Dr. Howll, Byron Werner collage x 10, Israel Regardie and Christopher Hyatt. We couldn't assemble a new SubGenius show this week because we only have one week in which to cast four fossil dinosaur tracks on Stang Ranch and scientifically map them out on a big grid before rains come and put them under water again for the next seven months. It's a long story. We're documenting the process. But this is a really good rerun and it's a better copy than could ever be downloaded before. 

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1593.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1592 - For a Few Stark Fistfulls of Dollars More

"Is there anything that fanboys don't resent?" - Rev. Baby Bear

Recorded July 1st at 19X-Day Drill -- yet as raw as today's headlines! It's Dr. Hal, Rev. Baby Bear and Rev. Stang in front of an audience at Wisteria, until half an hour in, when Stang gives up the chair to Rev. Argus Faux. This conversation chugged along so smoothly that there is not a single edit in the single one-hour recording! We have no idea what happened. It's just the three or four people talking, with some background music, and yet there was nothing to remove - and only three cuss words! Go figure. Each of the four spouters goes off on a full-blown rant at least once during the proceedings. If you want to know what we talked about without listening to the show, you'll just have to look at the detailed logs we always post in the Hour of Slack Radio section of

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:47pm CST

Hour of Slack #1591 - Creationists Vs. Destructionists

Introducing the great song, "Superpsychonaziracisttrumpispsychopathic" by Rev. Jimmy Ryan. We really did move the whole station to the 9th MegaFisTemple Lodge on Dokstok Mountain, Stang Ranch, Stangsville, Texas. We will include Lonesome Cowboy Dave by phone in future shows produced there, but tonight we’re playing all manner of leftover stuff, spillovers, recent SubGenius Head Launching News commentary from Radio Synaesthesia on WCSB, some poetry by Rev. Andrew Genus from 18X-Day, some Charles Dawkins remixed by Rev. Experimental, Please, and part two of the second 19 X-Day show with Dr. Howland Owl and Rev. Susie the Floozie (both of whom have hosted their own SubGenius radio shows for decades, in San Francisco and Atlanta respectively). Stang and Dr. Hal share news of Stang's favorite local neighborhood Creationist Museum, and plans for a competing roadside attraction at Stang Ranch involving fossil alien, devil and SubGenius skeletons. "NOAH'S ARK SANK HERE $5!"

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1591.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1590 - Tarzan's Radio Station of Monsters

One preacher each from all three Old Time SubGenius Radio Hours! Special Guests Dr. Hal and Rev. Susie the Floozie joined Rev. Stang for shows in front of a live audience at 19X-day, and this is the second of several. Although the conversation veers and careens all over the place, the subject of monsters (such as SubGeniuses) inevitably keeps rearing its rear, so Rev. Stang has chosen to intercut some cute yet pertinent lines and songs from the lastest Monster High movie (part of a toy franchise for weird little girls). There's also a nice slice of Podcrust for the starving, on which one might spread some Doktorjam from Wednesday night on the Wisteria stage. (This jam still sounds good to Stang even after he got hearing aids.) We're posting this episode early because The SubGenius Foundation office will be on the road next week, migrating to Stangsville, Texas for the winter.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1590.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:29am CST

Hour of Slack #1589 - The Show That Refused to Die Again

Last show from Cleveland for the next 6 months, and first show after Stang finally got HEARING AIDS! However we're taking Tarzan's Radio Station to Stang Ranch in deepest rural Texas for the winter and plan to somehow tie Lonesome Cowboy Dave's cell phone into it. This episode includes, besides the somewhat politics-tainted surrealist live section, Billy West as Zap Brannigan as Donald Trump, a new "Bob" song by Rev. Experimental, Please, X-Day recordings including a new Rev. Amy MmHmm song, Thorazine Urine Podcrust on Scrum addiction, a short clip from Bobbie School By Rev. Watt deFalk, and The Song That Refused to Die, continuing to refuse to die.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1589.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:42pm CST

Hour of Slack #1588 - "It's Gonna Be a Bummer, Man"

This one is strangely insane at first and then becomes strangely sane. We start with some 19X-Day live recordings of bands/ranters/podcrusts. Stang performs "The Song That Refused to Die" -- well, the first iteration of it, anyway. True to form, throughout the whole festival, that song never once died. It only simmered down a bit and disguised itself. We also hear some live Thorazine Urine Podcrust, which, like the bands, was recorded outdoors on the Wisteria stage. You can hear the owls if you listen closely over the horrible SubGenius screaming. Stang gives a little impromptu numerology lecture. Then we go live at WCSB, but Dave is late to call in, so Stang reads an ancient SubDiscordian prophecy from 1994 (found that morning in a box in the garage). When Dave calls in, the strangely sane part begins, and it's strangely not super-funny. For you see, we're starting to fret about this election thing, and the paranoid little old men who are afraid to shop at WalMart without carrying automatic weapons because there are jihadists under every bed in every kitchen. The fear that drives fairy tales and deplorables is dissected and pickled for consumption later.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1588.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:37am CST

Hour of Slack #1587 - Strange Podcrusts and The Clintonbot That Refused to Die

"For one thing, there is no such thing as the Internet, and none of that stuff is real. You're imagining it, and everybody imagines something slightly different, but mostly pretty much the same. That's how They get away with it." This episode may sound a bit challenging in spots, but is rich with a vibe of Slack. We've been breaking down the recordings from the first three days of the 19X-Day Drill (actually the 21st Drill), and extracting the juicy parts from the hours of chaotic contagious creativity. Some of it sounds REALLY insane, especially the Thorazine Urine Podcrust segments and the Wotan jamming that coursed through it. Lots of new voices, too! After that, the WCSB studio half starts with Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in. The was recorded on 9-11 of "2016," when the so-called "Hillary Clinton" entity accidentally revealed its true undying nature. Horrifying! -- for some people anyway. Marx vs. Stooge and WalMart vs. Target shooting wars are discussed, among other things. Heck, it's... all over the place. SubGeniuses that Stang accidentally left out of the credits (until later) were Rev. A.P. O'Stacy, Rev. Bovver, Rev. Eggplant, and probably at least two others that we still haven't remembered.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1587.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:26pm CST

Hour of Slack #1586 - "I'm Coming for You, Plainface!"

Close Enclownters! Dave, Wei and Stang discuss the evil lurking clowns in the news lately(not Trump, this time) and the threat of clown hunts. The live section is a regular pie fight. But the first half is Best Of 19X-Day Rants #3, with a killer autobiographical sermon by Rev. Angus Faux, a somewhat shorter sermon of encouragement from Rev. Stang (both with major Rock God and Angry Lord Larry guitar backing), another lovely original Rev. Amy MmHmm song, and the Hour of Slack premiere of Thorazine Urine Podcrust, who performed their 100th X-Day podcrust this year -- HOURS of it, of which this week's clip is but the barest scratch in the surface!

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1586.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:56pm CST

Hour of Slack #1585 - Lonesome Cowboy Dave's Chronic Jib plus 19XD-BO2

First up are some good samples from 19X-Day: two memorable new songs by St. Andrew the Impaled and Rev. Amy MmHmm, and two new improvised rants by Revs. Faux and Stang with guitar god backing (Lord Angry Larry and Lord Rock God). We also have a DEVO cover that Rev. Bleepo Abernathy had something to do with. Captain Ahab (Gregory Peck) spouts off about that darn old whale, or maybe "Bob." And Rev. Jimmy Ryan rawks. But the focus of the live talk part of the show are two songs from an ancient 45 rpm record by The Chronics, a punk band of some reknown from the late 1970s that featured our favorite lonesome cowboy, Dave, when he was a tiny little youth. Dave instructs us about The Chronics and reveals yet more secrets about his surreal life among the corruptigating worms.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:44pm CST

Hour of Slack #1584 - Trump Vs. DEVO

First up is the amazing brand new Rudy Schwartz Project song, "It's Time for Trump." We think this might become a widely replayed song. We have new music and a new rant from new contributors Rev. Experimental and Rev. Watt deFalk, respectively; two Rev. Jimmy Ryan pieces; Rev. Bleepo Abernathy covers the TMBG song "Am I Awake?" and we get two songs from Xposed 4Heads and one from The Fantastic Plastics, both of whom performed at the 2016 DEVOtional in Cleveland the night before this show was recorded, and about which StangDoe rhapsodize at length when Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in. Subjects: The Bathroom People. SubGenius Horror Hosts and the OSI74 ROKU channel of SubGeniusly programming. Stang's health report. The insanity of the electorate. When the FBI caravan comes to town. When Dave got beaten by cops for three hours. ((Background music is all by CyberChump's "Their Moment of Perfect Happiness" (related to Xposed 4Heads).)) P.S. Stang was wrong, the first movie version of “I Am Legend” was titled “The Last Man on Earth”.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1584.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm CST

Hour of Slack #1583 - Rants and Music of X-Day / Live WCSB

First half is great rants, music and Other from 19X-Day: Rev. Nugget's nugget; some random Faux, Wei and Baby Bear; rip-snortin' guitar work by Angry Lord Larry and Lord Rock God; a heart-whacking duet by St. Andrew the Impaled and amazing singer Rev. Amy MmHmm; Stang and other Wotanners go down in The Medicine Fish Hole; and a kazoo masterpiece duet by Rev. Anna Maul and Rev. A. P. O'Stacy Fnord. When Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls at the halfway point, music from X-Day continues in the background. (Other musicians PROBABLY include Rev. Hazel of the Windmills, Dr. Shoggoth, Rev. Walter Cozmac, Rev. Sinphaltimus Exxmortis, Lord Ferg, Assmaster Fidd Chewley, Rev. Peas, Radio Mike.) The discussion with Dave is another one of those kind that all seven Trump-admiring SubGeniuses might just want to skip, because it is meant to be extremely insulting, demeaning, and belittling. 

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1583.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm CST

Hour of Slack #1582 - True Tales of Reptiliosexuals

Two shows in one! (A) Second half of the first 19X-Day Wisteria show with Dr. Hal and Rev. Susie the Floozie, plus (B) live show from WCSB, Aug 8, 2016 with Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Stang, Wei, and Dr. Sinister. In the first half, many sexy details are revealed regarding Rev. Susie the Floozie's bug and lizard zoo and fetishes. Examples of lizard abuse in the making of old dinosaur movies are discussed and disgusting. Dr. Hal returns to Ball's Pyramid Island. In the second half, after Dave calls in and discusses Connie and jobs, Stang reads the poem "Job" by Rev. Joaquin de la Garza. Advice is given on how to survive jobs, and how to see the Mark Mothersbaugh art show in Cleveland as well as the DEVOtional. The Mandela effect, or just marijuana abuse? We managed to make it almost to the very end without mentioning Trump.

Ball's Pyramid Island
Photos from 19X-Day
One Million B.C. lizard clip
The whole movie

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1582.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:34pm CST

Hour of Slack #1581 - Big Sister and The Dirtiest Word

Cleveland musician Charleston Okafor was finishing up his show African Abstract on WCSB when he asked incoming DJs Rev. Ivan Stang and Princess Wei R. Doe for their opinions about Trump and Clinton. Politically biased ranting ensued and then continued during a long stretch of live show during which Lonesome Cowboy Dave forgot to call in. Long story short, Stang came up with plenty of excuses to unleash his Inner Dumbass. Dave finally did call in. Interspersed is music both old and new by, variously, Xposed 4heads, The Psycho Skeletons, LeMur, The Great Groovy Neptune, The Rudy Schwartz Project, Doug 3, The Fantastic Plastics, and Rev. Jimmy Ryan.
The beginning with Charleston Okafor is much longer on the Internet version than on the radio version, which is always cut down to just under one hour.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1581.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:57pm CST

Hour of Slack #1580 - Post-19X-Day-Starwood-and-RNC

First time back in the WCSB studio after 19X-Day, Starwood 36, and the RNC! We changed our minds about releasing the X-Day recordings as fast as we can -- we'll save some of those for our 6 months in Texas when we don't have the station or Dave. But this show has the Lonesome Cowboy! -- and lots of music too: Xposed 4Heads, The Fantastic Plastics, O.O.B. Experience, Doktors 4 Extreme Prejudice. Discussions cover The Age of Stupid, current events, undercurrents, currants, the elections, and how to repeat, quip your jab and Slock on. Some anecdotes from the various events are told and the "Bob" Whoopee Cushion is finally explained in full.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1580.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:54pm CST

Hour of Slack #1579 - 19X-Day at Tarzan's Radio Station

The true story of what happened at Wisteria during 19X-Day, or, more correctly, the 21st X-Day Drill, beginning June 30, "2016." These episodes are recorded not at WCSB but on Tarzan's Radio Station, set atop a picnic table in a semi-enclosed outdoor cafe. In Stang's intro he mistakenly claims that Rev. Susie the Floozie is on this episode, but in fact she was in the second hour (next week). This one has Dr. Hal, Rev. Stang, and Princess Wei talking about X-Day, stop-motion dinosaurs, Bible movies, devil skeletons and much more. First, however, we hear inspiring SubGenius hymns by The El Queso All-Stars, Rev. Phineas Narco, Dr. Hal remixed by Rev. Wilhelm Stahlhelm, Da Binci, and even, at the very end, Rev. Stang (with help from LeMur, the son of Stang, others). As usual, a rough text log or spoiler sheet for this episode is stashed away on in the radio section.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1579.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:57pm CST

Hour of Slack #1578 - 19X-Day Radio Synesthesia with Dr. Howll 'n Callers (B)

This second hour of the pre-X-Day Radio Synesthesia show starts with the train wreck of Gov. Rocknar's immediate financial problems, but it grows into a powerful message of Slack. Dr. Sinister's studio guests are Dr. Howll, Rev. Stang, Princess Wei (that's pronounced "Wheeee!" by the way) and Lonesome Cowboy Dave. They grapple with callers Rocknar and No Money Mark, and each other, for the entire hour, aside from a very old StangCollage at the beginning. We're posting this episode a week early because we'll be back at Wisteria for Starwood Festival during the critical show-posting time-interstices. In two weeks this program will begin revealing the true story of what happened at Wisteria starting with the beginning of 19X-Day, or, more correctly, the 21st X-Day Drill, on June 27, "2016."

As always, a rough text log or spoiler sheet for this episode is stashed away on in the radio section.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1578.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:22pm CST

Hour of Slack #1577 - 19X-Day Synesthesia with Dr. Howll 'n Dave

As most of you can probably deduce from your surroundings, this last July 5 wasn't July 5, 1998. So 1998 hasn't happened yet, and instead of having the alien AI called MWOWM do it all for us, we have to edit these hours of recordings from 19X-Day ourselves. (Actually it was the 21st X-Day Drill.) Luckily, the night before we left Cleveland for the Drill, we guested on Dr. Sinister's show Radio Synesthesia at WCSB for two hours, of which this is the first. Participants include Dr. Howll, Rev. Ivan Stang, Princess Wei 'R.' Doe, and Lonesome Cowboy Dave. X-Day itself is not discussed much, but everything else in the world is.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1577.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28pm CST

Hour of Slack #1576 - 19X-Day Begins with Dr. Howll

DAMN IT! Stang forgot to credit Rev. Walter Cosmac for the collage at the very beginning, and we don't have time to add that audio because the world is about to end and (though this makes no sense) we're rushing around trying to get all loose ends tied up before July 5. The big celebration at the remote secret campground being immanent, we flew in the illustrious and erudite Dr. Hal Robins or Dr. Howll to preside over this final broadcast. (In fact this is the first of a three hour broadcast from WCSB that lapped over into Dr. Sinister's two-hour show after The Hour of Slack. Those hours will be available later, albeit not on Earth Farm One for much longer.) An operatic song by Xposed 4heads, "Hot Aliens," is a perfect opening anthem for X-Day. Then Dr. Hal is introduced, Lonesome Cowboy Dave phones in, Princess Wei starts glowing, and the end game is afoot. We haven't had time to listen back to it so that's really all we know at this writing except that the show ends with The Rudy Schwartz Project covering the Swinging Love Corpses classic, "Pick a Booger." Thanks for all the Slack, and see you on The Saucers.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1576.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:02am CST

Hour of Slack #1575 - Walkers for Trump

This was one talkative episode! The music at the beginning includes excellent brand new pieces by David Morrison and Pilgrim Speakeasy, and there's an RSP dingleberry at the end. In between it's nonstop banter, blather and ranting as we gear up for both X-Day/Starwood and the Inevitable Mass Trump Slapdown that we suspect is finally brewing. The problems of Facebook and "real" names comes up. The Romero-based Living Dead movies and the Walking Dead show as metaphors for the Dumbing of America are explored, painfully. Lonesome Cowboy Dave expresses his dislike of superheroes. Stang gets possessed by that redneck wingnut demon again.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1575.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:24pm CST

Hour of Slack #1574 - The Buzzard in the Coal Mine

There's a new, all-original CD out by The Rudy Schwartz Project, and we haven't even The opening clip of dialog from HAIL CAESAR will make you want to see the movie, and is followed by "Pop That Bulbous Scrotum," one of FOUR new Rudy Schwartz Projects songs (of which "Ted Cruz's Mouth" is not on the radio version). We have two different Trump Blather mashups, one by Rev. Cuttlefish and one by Rev. Phineas Narco. Xposed 4Heads are again exposed with the song "Generica." Then it's live in the studio with Lonesome Cowboy Dave on the phone and Stang & Wei trying to make sense of it, some. Stang reads a report texted in that afternoon by Dr. K'taden Legume regarding a very revealing experience he had on "Amazon Island." This leads into a discussion, sometimes heated, of Moral Outrage Addicts on Facebook, a type that seems to be growing and was in furious bloom that particular weekend. The Internet and especially Facebook's role in the dumbing of America are tied to the rise of the PROUD TO BE STUPID or "revenge of the caveman" mood of the country.

If you (like we did) wonder what "real first President museum" Dave was talking about at the beginning, Here's a funny article about it

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1574.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:45pm CST

Hour of Slack #1573 - They Saved Grandpa's Gauze Pt. 1

There's a new, all-original CD out by The Rudy Schwartz Project, and we haven't even played everything off the last RSP album ("Sunshine Supershits," a collection of covers). So we're playing the first half of this brilliant bulldada rock opera of an album for the first half of the show. Tighten down your grommets for it! There is also a great new song by Xposed 4Heads. After that we get The Call from Lonesome Cowboy Dave. Topics of discussion include: "Bob" and Reagan. The blowhole of America, Moby Dick and monster hunt legends as the basis of literature. The Sensitive Bone vs. The Funny Bone. Pyroflatulation. Dave's parasitic twin. The Drs. 4 Wotan Audience Replacement technique. Fossil ghost tracks at Stang Ranch. Wei downloads a Fart Piano and we sing a song about Ranch Style Beans.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1573.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:23pm CST

Hour of Slack #1572 - Ejerkulations of Epictetus

Rampant theological unseemliness abounds in this free-for-all-except-the-slaves. Lonesome Cowboy Dave, out of the hospital again, gets us all worked up about God's dress. Terrible news of the day is discuss-ted. P.R. Gnus returns. We hear quotations from The Enchiridion of Epictetus, ancient philosophy recently republished by A Man of Letters (Onan Canobite), and we learn all about the historical Cleopatra from Hal and Philo. Old music from ESO joins new from The Rudy Schwartz Project, The Fantastic Plastics, Rev, Jimmy Ryan, Rural War Room and Miss Murphy the Bearded Lady. Also, the word of "Bob" Dobbs and the Church of the SubGenius.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1572.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:14am CST

Hour of Slack #1571 - Godzilla's Travels

Lonesome Cowboy Dave was sick, so this is a Daveless live show, with Rev. Stang reading cool stuff such as a great rant by The Good Rev. Roger, and more of the juicy parts from Gulliver's Travels (1726). Also featured is music by and a discussion about the recent Sanza music CD of Halim "Pharoah" El-Dabh and Ron "Pyrosonic" Slabe. Instead of Dave and Stang blabbering, it's Dr. Hal and Dr. Drummond from an old Puzzling Evidence show. The music however is all new from The Fantastic Plastics, The Rudy Schwartz Project, The Psycho Skeletons, Rev. Jimmy Ryan and Rural War Room. The RWR pieces especially will rip your head in twain if you listen in headphones or brainbuds.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1571.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:51pm CST

Hour of Slack #1570 - Gulliver's Travels - The Dirty Parts

Rev. Stang reads selections from Gulliver's Travels -- the passages in which Gulliver needs to go to the bathroom, but the bathrooms are all either too small or too large. Lonesome Cowboy Dave provides his own insights into the great Jonathan Swift novel of 1726. Stangs gets all worked up about Trump and the value of boredom. First, though, there's a great rant by Rev. Susie the Floozie about "Bob," "Bob" hymns by Rev. Bleepo Abernathy and Mark Mothersbaugh, two count 'em two new Rudy Schwartz Project pieces, Jimmy Ryan guitar, and some discussion of haters by Dr. Philo Drummond and Dr. Hal on The Puzzling Evidence Show.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1570.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:24pm CST

Hour of Slack #1569 - Southern Spoutin's in Slangs

First live show from WCSB in six months! The Daves and StangDoes invent several new languages, partially inspired by the book "Southern Sayin's for Yankees and Other Immigrants." Before that, however, there is an amazing collage by Rev. Susie the Floozie about "Bob" and Connie, and new music is unveiled by The Rudy Schwartz Project (covering The Shaggs!!!), Rev. Jimmy Ryan and Rural War Room, plus a brand new "Bob" hymn by Rev. Morgan Gutentag. There are also some cold, wet sound effects and a canned recording from Stang Ranch about the Stang Ranch dinosaur tracks and what other creatures may be leaving footprints in those parts.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1569.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:05pm CST

Hour of Slack #1568 - Lonesome Cowboy Dave In Space

Back in 1994, Hour of Slack came from Dallas, but we used a lot of material recorded whenever Rev. Stang visited Cleveland and sat in on the late Chas Smith's show, "ESO Radio/Brain Rot Theater" on WCSB. One of the best chunks of one of the best of those shows, "Lonesome Cowboy Dave in Space," comprises the majority of this. Many listeners thought it was SCRIPTED! What was scripted however was the intro to the show, detailing the truly dire deadlines and circumstances of The SubGenius Foundation at that time. Also includes music from Nenslo, The Rudy Schwartz Project and Doktorz 4 "Bob".

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1568.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:37pm CST

Hour of Slack #1567 - Lonesome Cowboy Dave In Hell

We're busy packing to move the Bulldada Time Control Labs back to Cleveland Bluffs for the summer, so it's (still) rerun time. Luckily, this particular rerun is one of the best of the 1990s ESO/SubGenius live radio collaborations, from ESO Swamp Radio on WCSB Cleveland. Chas Smith still had his life, and his original band, and you hear them playing along musically with wherever Stang and Lonesome Cowboy Dave go -- which was primarily to Hell and back. It is a torturous route, but it has a happy ending: Dave saves the world, and Chas covers a Residents classic.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1567.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:23pm CST

Hour of Slack #1566 - Stang Ranch Special

Our first show recorded and mixed at the Dokstok Mountain studios in the 9th MegaFisTemple Lodge at Stang Ranch, Stangsville, Stang County, Texas. In fact, all of this show except for the credits -- and the music -- was recorded outdoors. The music is all new: a fresh and topical "Bob" hymn by Dr. Morgan Gutentag, two truly horrifying cover songs by The Rudy Schwartz Project (from the new CD "Sunshine Supershits"), two from Rev. Jimmy Ryan and a wild instrumental by The Psycho Skeletons. The ranch location recordings feature fossil discoveries, bone wars, and the debuts of the Stang Ranch Goats and the StangDoe grandchildren.

Stang Ranch drone video #

Stang Ranch and environs "normal" photos

Stang Ranch panorama shots


Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1566.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:37pm CST

Hour of Slack #1565 - Live Time Control Show ( from 2006)

A cosmic and lively live show from late 2006, with Lonesome Cowboy Dave in the WCSB studio with StangDoe and a movie score (THE TIME MACHINE). The convoluted discussion involves speculation on identity, time travel, and the nature of belief and religion. HEAVY STUFF! Lots of collages by LeMur and Rev. Norel Pref. Hopefully this will be the last of the old reruns; next up is a new show produced entirely outdoors at Stang Ranch.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1565.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:57pm CST

Hour of Slack #1564 - OTE/HoS/PuzEv Combo Pt. 3

Part 3 of an epic live show recorded on Jan. 5, 2007 at the KPFA studios in Berkeley, with Over the Edge host Izzy Izzint of Negativland (the late Don Joyce) and Puzzling Evidence host Doug Wellman. SubGenius Doktors participating included Dr. Hal, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Ivan Stang, Rev. John Shirley, Dr. Gary G'broagfran, Michael Peppe, Princess Wei R Doe, Rev. Kaosmic Bobcat Drummond, Rev. Phineas Narco, K-ROB, somebody named Walter, the Ubergoober Booby Baby, and Bishop Joey from the First Church of the Last Laugh. Opening and closing title bumpers are by Fernandinande LeMur.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1564.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:16pm CST

Hour of Slack #1563 - Part 2 - Over The Edge/HoS/PuzEv Combo

This is part 2 of a 5 hour epic live show we recorded on Jan. 5, 2007 at the KPFA studios in Berkeley, with Over the Edge host Izzy Izzint of Negativland (the late Don Joyce) and Puzzling Evidence host Doug Wellman. SubGenius Doktors participating included Dr. Hal, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Ivan Stang, Rev. John Shirley, Dr. Gary G'broagfran, Michael Peppe, Princess Wei R Doe, Rev. Kaosmic Bobcat Drummond, Rev. Phineas Narco, K-ROB, somebody named Walter, the Ubergoober Booby Baby, and, Bishop Joey from the First Church of the Last Laugh. Opening and closing title bumpers are by Fernandinande LeMur. Background music in the credits is from the album by The Amino Acids: "HUMANITY WILL FALL LIKE PINS"

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1563.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:16pm CST

Hour of Slack #1562 - 2007 Over The Edge/HoS/PuzEv Combo Pt. 1

This is part 1 of a 5 hour epic live show we recorded on Jan. 5, 2007 at the KPFA studios in Berkeley, with Over the Edge host Izzy Izzint of Negativland (the late Don Joyce) and Puzzling Evidence host Doug Wellman. SubGenius Doktors participating included Dr. Hal, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Ivan Stang, Rev. John Shirley, Dr. Gary G'broagfran, Michael Peppe, Princess Wei R Doe, Rev. Kaosmic Bobcat Drummond, Rev. Phineas Narco, K-ROB, somebody named Walter, the Ubergoober Booby Baby, and, Bishop Joey from the First Church of the Last Laugh. Opening and closing title bumpers are by Fernandinande LeMur. Background music in the credits is from the album by The Amino Acids: "HUMANITY WILL FALL LIKE PINS"

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1562.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:19pm CST

Hour of Slack #1561 - 1982 - Women Take Over Church

Did you know that in the early 1980s, The Church of the SubGenius was taken over by women? It was not a peaceful usurpation of power, but involved blackmail, bloodshed, and "Bob." This is a heavily edited report on the Second World SubCon, held Sept 9 1982 weekend in Chicago at the Radisson Hotel. Puxzzling Evidence provided live radio commentary over Stang's live recordings. Everything was recorded on cassettes. The founding Doktors were young and savage then and their wives were even worse. The early Doktors on the ancient crumbling tape include Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Ivan Stang, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. G. Gordon Gordon, Rev. Bleepo Abernathy, Bob Nelson, Glassmadness, Pope Sternodox, Snavely Eklund, Janor Hypercleats, Doktors 4 Wotan, Drs. 4 "Bob," Pope Michael Flores, and ALL OUR WIVES at that time (someone else, Autumn G. Gordon, Dottie Keckhaver, Pam Smith, Faye Hansen). Former Rev. Buck Naked is also heard. These were the days when The Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer Launchers Society held sway over much of the Church -- little did we realize it could all be subverted by a feminist conspiracy within the Hierarchy itself! For as you shall hear, at one point The Bleeding Head Itself was endangered!

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1561.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1560 - Infectious Radio

The song "Overtime"" by The Fantastic Plastics opens the show. The rest is a collection of clips from Dr. Sinister's Radio Synaesthesia on WCSB Cleveland, recorded during January and February. Caller Stang (sounding croaky with a cold, calling from Stang Ranch in Texas) introduces his political theories regarding the Loudly Complaining Party versus the "prattling Prabobs of positivity" and answers questions about Ted Cruz. Lonesome Cowboy Dave explains Demonic Pneumonics. A number of suggestions are advanced as to which Hollywood star should play Dr. Sinister. The new movement of Stupid Pride is discussed but then The Management calls in and informs Dr. Sinister that there will be big changes in his show. In other segments, Stang declares War on Warren and everything else. Glue sniffing and cliff-jumping as teenage rebellion fads are discussed, as are the sad vain attempts by so many SubGenius teens to get laid by trying to seem normal.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1560.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:56pm CST

Hour of Slack #1559 - Pufferdome Devival 2015

Rev. Phineas Narco's new song "Unelectable" starts the show. The rest was recorded last July at the Starwood Festival during a special Friday midnight show in The Pufferdome. The Pufferdome is a huge inflated half-dome that holds a whole band and audience, with 360 degree video projections by Waking Dream, although in this case Waking Dream was projecting Rev. Stang's psychedelic SubGenius videos. We had to filter the audio recording a lot due to noise from the blowers that keep the Pufferdome puffed, but it doesn't sound any weirder than it sounded in real life. The music at the end is the song "Planet X or Bust" by The El Queso All Stars. Rant subjects include: the quotes on "Bob" Dobbs. NSA hawk-drones and Facebook job privacy. Phones that talk back. Occult 102 graduation. Rosicrucian history. Cannibal rednecks and the Self-Terrifying Whites of Dumbassica. Let "Bob" smoke you. Sci fi vs. religion vs. history and science. Slack and the Con. Luck vs. smarts. Don't envy the rich. SubGenius kooks. Satanists at Starwood -- all one of them. Our heroes.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1559.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:45pm CST

Hour of Slack #1558 - Stang's Main Stage Sermon at Starwood 2015

This episode is entirely composed of Rev. Ivan Stang's rant at the Starwood Festival of 2015. This internet version contains a section of the show that broadcast radio listeners won't hear: four RAUNCHY songs performed by the duo of Princess Wei and her mom WeiMawMaw, who is 87. The four songs that those two gals did were SO FILTHY DIRTY that it would definitely be considered offensive by FCC community standards. Starwood is held at Wisteria in southern Ohio the week after our X-Day Drills (see or look at the SubGenius events page on Related to Starwood, the Winterstar Ball is happening on Feb. 28 in Cleveland at The Beachland Ballroom, with Rev. Baby Bear doing the SubGenius preaching. 

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1558.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:38pm CST

Hour of Slack #1557 - 1981 First World SubGenius Convention

Another OLDEST old-fashioned SubGenius Media Barrage -- from 1981, before the Hour of Slack. We started unearthing these ancient recordings for the History of SubGenius online course at Maybe Logic Academy. This is an edited report on the First World SubGenius Convention, held Nov. 22 1981 weekend in Dallas. The early Doktors and Hierarchites include Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Ivan Stang, Puzzling Evidence, Pope of All New York David N. Meyer, Pope Sternodox Keckhaver, LIES/St. Palmer Vreedeez, Hellswami Satellite Weavers, St. Byron Werner, Rev. Mark Mothersbaugh, Glassmadness, Dr. Snavely Eklund, Janor Hypercleats, Doktors 4 Wotan, Drs. 4 "Bob," The One-Take Rhythm Killers, The Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer Launchers Society, and Former SubGenius Pastor Buck Naked. This includes several clips of the very first "SubGenius Panel Discussion" which, for better or worse, set the format for most future SubGenius radio talk shows. These recordings are so ancient that Rev. Stang was still sometimes being called "Doug." The recordings may be rough, and in the extreme stereo of those days, but they accurately capture the fervor that gripped the early Doktors and Saints in those fantastically innocent days. We don't usually go out of the way to recommend listening in headphones these days, but we did when we were releasing these tapes, and for good reason. We would stop just short of saying this stuff was originally meant to be heard on acid. Super Bonus: Dr. Philo Drummond sings 96 Tears with Rev. Stang on keyboards!

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1557.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:01pm CST

Hour of Slack #1556 - Time Control, Connie Dobbs, Nickie Deathchick

STARRING REV. NICKIE DEATHCHICK!! A good all-purpose rerun of #774 from 2001, centered around various Time Control lessons, adoration of Connie Dobbs, the clock in your forehead, Rev. Nickie Deathhick's sexy sermons from the 2001 Tucson Oasis Devival, and some classic ESO Radio clips in which we describe the strange events at said Tucson devival. EARTH NEEDS WOMEN! This episode is also loaded with collages by Lemur, Amazonia Protectrix, Nu-Monet, and Jupiter Research; we also hear Rush Limbaugh sing "I'm a Nazi," and some music (and news) from The Bran Flakes. Rev. Bleepo Abernathy's Time Control ad is a cornerstone and the capstone is Rev. Nickie Deathchick's bonus XXX-rant at the end: "My Blow Jobs Are So Good..."

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1556.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:36pm CST

Hour of Slack #1555 - The First Two SubGenius Albums (1981)

Another OLDEST old-fashioned Hour of Slack rerun -- from 1981, before the Hour of Slack! This one mixes the last part of Media Barrage #1 with the first collection of "Bob" hymns, the album Bobsongs 1. Our first two albums! The early Doktors on it are Philo Drummond, Ivan Stang, the late Dr. X (Lamont Duvoe), The Pink Boys, Gary G'Broagfran, Puzzling Evidence, LIES, Glassmadness, Doktors for Odin, Doktors 4 Wotan, Drs. 4 "Bob," Rev. Kevin Wilson, Roberto de la Rosa (aka Rev. David Boone), the mysterious Doug3 of Houston and Rev. Buck Naked. Includes preaching cuts from early 1980 devivals held in back yards, Wotan and Doktormusic sessions, and some truly heartfelt "Bob" hymns. (This compilation first appeared as Hour of Slack #1074.)

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1555.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:55pm CST

Hour of Slack #1554 - Dr. Sinister's Big Shtick

Again we scavenge Radio Synaesthesia by "phoning it in" from Texas but also sewing Dr. Sinister's talk show with SubGenius media barrages (by Dok Cosmac this time) and music from Rural War Room, The Fantastic Plastics, and a brand new Bobsong by Rev. Spalbort Xylexyzkell. Subjects covered: Surrealist jokes. Durian fruit. Stang has become normal lab rat like other Americans by watching TV and getting a smart phone. The new X-Files, SyFy Channel shows. Neural implants and motion sickness. Old folks and video games. Who'll be Inside The Dome, who'll be out. Trump's Wall around WCSB. "They won't respect ya unless ya kill 'em!" Dr. Sinister campaigns for President. Also starring Lonesome Cowboy Dave, No Money Mark and The Management.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1554.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1553 - The Self-Terrifying Whites of Dumbassica

For some odd reason this episode ended up being basically about fascism. It didn't start out that way, and the show itself probably didn't want to be that way, but it kept returning to that subject one way or another. In fact it did it on and off for three weeks of Rev. Stang and Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in to Dr. Sinister's Radio Synaesthesia on WCSB Cleveland (Stang being away in rural Texas all December). We compressed those three shows, flensed out the worst drunk callers, and interspersed it with a powerful SubGenius media barrage by Rev. Cool Hand Chris Blatter plus a song by The Fantastic Plastics. Open carry in Texas, The Technocrats, selling dumb stuff to rich people, creating news events, goat fascism, Second Amendment and nuke silos, GovMart, armed Amazon drones, St. Penisburg, Legos, Minecraft and fascism, The Dobbshead Magic 8-Ball, these and other delicate subjects are broached and tackled or at least tickled. For a feel-good climax that's only on the Internet version of this episode, we tacked on a refreshing piece of political incorrectness from the 1970s: DOLEMITE FOR PRESIDENT by the late great St. Rudy Ray Moore, SubGenius Saint of Poetry.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1553.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:22pm CST

Hour of Slack #1552 - New Slogans and Killing "Bob"

Despite being away from Cleveland for over two months, we have managed to continue doing weekly shows by calling in from Stang Ranch in Texas to Dr. Sinister's Radio Synaesthesia on WCSB-Cleveland. This show is a mash-up of the December 6 and December 20 Synaesthesia shows, with the most egregiously drunk callers edited out and Lonesome Cowboy Dave left in, along with Stang and Doe. There's also new PR Gnus by LeMur and a great collage by Rev. Susie the Floozie on killing "Bob" (a main feature of the discussions as well). We also hear classic SubGenius songs about J. R. "Bob" Dobbs by Little Fyodor and Rev. Tony Bower and a new mind-splitter from Rural War Room. 

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1552.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:53pm CST

Hour of Slack #1551 - BURN, "BOB," BURN

On the last Radio Synaesthesia show after 18X-Day, among many other things we talked about a terrible deed that we had collectively committed at the very climax of that fateful Drill. This week, our lawyers have advised that we can finally reveal the recordings of the "event" to prove it really happened, and to settle the rumors regarding just how bad it was. You can almost smell the meat cooking when you hear it! Disgusting, certainly, and yet unquestionably mouth-watering. Following that scandalous yet strangely appetising portion of the show, Rev. Andrew Genus calls in and helps us gently to the end of all of the 18X-Day Hours of Slack. We made the 18X-Day shows last from July "2015" to January "2016"! Praise "Bob"! It signals a New Year as well as the immediate need for a 19X-Day web page on SubSITE.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1551.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:40pm CST