Sat, 30 November 2013
If you thought last week's show was crazy, you'll need to plug your ears and hide from this one. The first half is remarkably sedate: an unreleased Negativland live recording from their 2012 tour, with Crosley Bendix explaining why there can never again be any original music, followed by Princess Wei's reading of a touching rant by Rev. Chocolate Velvet (with music by The Flyin' Ryan Brothers). But then Dave calls in, and Stang starts sneaking especially ear-futtering stereo LeMurian clips into the mix. It gets more chaotic, psychedelic and surreal than usual -- OLD SCHOOL Hour of Slack! Then, Dr. Sinister arrives. AIEEE! $35 2-for-1 SubGenius Membership SLACK FRIDAY Special Sale Button
Sun, 24 November 2013
We had so much fun doing this live show that we forgot to post it in a timely fashion! Also, The Time Being threw some changes our way. Friday turned into Sunday and vice versa. The first 20 minutes of the show is tossed best-of, by Glassmadness, LeMur, Rev. Bleepo Abernathy, RSO, and a minute or two of Slack from Rev. Stang. Then the live part starts and it's all like vomitous pronunciation of "Bob" as magma beneath crust of reality - practical sentences that sound like surrealism - Emperor God-Man Stang. Wounded foot to Femur Camp. Velveena. Swollen heads in Hell. We laughed at eggheads who said the ocean was tripping on acid rain. Econocataclysm - "Bob" can surf solar waves using a 55 chevy as a surfboard - the Nobbs versus the Dobbs! With background music by Christian Blatter! |
Sat, 16 November 2013
Dr. Hal answers, TO THE VERY HILT, twenty extremely varied questions from SubGeniuses, and in so doing fully and concisely explains the Universe. Seriously. Most listeners will also learn their own reason for living. This episode of Hour of Slack represents the pinnacle of Man's wisdom, accumulated over millennia. (Sorry.) Recorded before a live and inquisitive audience, 7-6-13 at Wisteria during 16X-Day, and pretty much uncut. The last two questions and answers have been removed from the broadcast version of this episode, because they were not nice questions. You can Ask Dr. Hal yourself via and |
Mon, 11 November 2013
It's pledge drive time for Hour of Slack and WCSB-Cleveland this week. Between premium-plugging and money-begging by Stang, Doe and Dave, Stang reads emails from would-be moochers and plays back phone messages from drunken Gimme-Bobs, both of which we got all month instead of actual orders. WAS *YOUR* DRUNKEN MESSAGE OR WHINING EMAIL IMMORTALIZED ON THE SHOW? Tune in and see if YOU YOURSELF were a topic of conversation. To make an actual donation, and avoid being an unnamed subject of the moocher bashing, call 216-687-6900 to donate to the station! |
Thu, 7 November 2013
After 15 years in suspended animation, we unveil this excellent recording of a historic SubGenius devival with the band ESO or Einstein's Secret Orchestra in their devivalin' prime. This was professionally recorded before a large audience two weeks after X-Day "1998," on the main stage at the 18th Starwood Festival. This Internet version is uncut; the broadcast version doesn't have Chas Smith's song "Us and All Our Friends Are So Fucked Up," which is presented here in its live sing-along glory. The band features Chas on vocals and keyboards, Michelle George on electric violin, Lonesome Cowboy Dave on guitar, Bob Mozick on drums and Princess Wei on vocals. Preacher Rev. Stang goes hard in the motherfuckin' paint as well. The is probably one of the best recordings of any live SubGenius stage show -- and it's one of our best shows of the 1990s. The devival is book-ended by some cut-ups and compositions by The Large and includes LeMur's PR Gnus. TO DONATE: |