Tue, 23 November 2021
Many cut-ups by that cut-up LeMur, much Swamp Radio, Consortium of Genius, Swinging Love Corpses, Pink Boyz, Bleepo, The Brag, Stang ranting, and Onan's "Bob" Drinking Song recorded at a raucous devival in Akron, Ohio, 2002. 1 "Comedy Tonight" clip (A Funy Thing Happened...) 01:31 2 HOS 4 promo Dobbsoidianisms (El Queso) 00:36 3 "Comedy" con't 00:17 4 ESO Radio 9-20-02 "His Name Is Jesus!" 01:07 5 Minute of Slack 19: The Law Says 01:09 6 The Pink Boyz: "Apartment Complex" 03:06 7 Credits-Nu-Monet news 03:22 8 ESO Radio 10-04-02 - "Communism!" 03:47 9 LeMur: "CorporateConability 01:13 10 ESO Radio 10-04-02a - "Assholes & Flags" 05:11 11 LeMur: "hang Me2 00:18 12 LeMur: "good Christian 01:46 13 LeMur: "I wonder Who Of Bob 2" 00:06 14 ESO Radio 8-15-02e - "NO MORE CHEMCANS!" 04:31 15 LeMur: "mystikalScience 01:00 16 Consortium of Genius - "Science Party" 02:57 17 ESO Radio 9-27-02c - "Robots! and the Missing Meteor" 04:20 18 "Space-Invaders" -- DJ Epoch 03:32 19 Credits 01:11 20 Onan Canobite, live @ Akron - "Beer Drinking Clapping "Bob" Song" 04:32 21 "B.O.B. Remix 2 Part 2" -- Dr. Onan's Wotan Band 01:46 22 Creditss 00:30 23 The Swingin' Love Corpses: "This Is Our Best Song" 02:44 24 Brag of the SubGenius digitized pt 1 02:29 25 "Unto-Bob" clip - Heart Ignition-3 00:35 26 ESO Radio 9-27-02g - "Bleepo End 1962" 03:30 27 Credits, PO 01:03 28 "Unto-Bob" clip - Heart Ignition 00:56
Tue, 16 November 2021
Great Preachin' (rerun of #857) -- TIME TRAVEL IS POSSIBLE! For instance, Rev. Stang practices extreme Time Control to buy himself extra Life Time by exposing new audiences to these classic recordings, rather than breaking his back further by sweating over a hot hot-splicer (or digital editing system, as the case may be). This way, the new generation of adults -- that is, people the age of Stang and Co.'s great-great-grandchildren -- are privileged to hear the kind of wisdom of the ancients that is normally prohibited now. Don't believe us? JUST WAIT ANOTHER 20 YEARS and you'll see: everything in so-called "current events" and "the news" repeats itself! -- just a little worse each time. |
Tue, 16 November 2021
TIME TRAVEL IS POSSIBLE! For instance, Rev. Stang practices extreme Time Control to buy himself extra Life Time by exposing new audiences to these classic recordings, rather than breaking his back further by sweating over a hot hot-splicer (or digital editing system, as the case may be). This way, the new generation of adults -- that is, people the age of Stang and Co.'s great-great-grandchildren -- are privileged to hear the kind of wisdom of the ancients that is normally prohibited now. Don't believe us? JUST WAIT ANOTHER 20 YEARS and you'll see: everything in so-called "current events" and "the news" repeats itself! -- just a little worse each time. |
Thu, 11 November 2021
Back in them days of 2002 A.D., when our spines were stout and strong and straight, there were so many audio contributions coming in from so many artists, and so many subjects covered on the various other SubGenius-related shows (especially WCSB's ESO Swamp Radio) that we were making 'theme' shows. The most common subjects were "Bob," the Conspiracy, whatever war was going on at the time, aliens, apocalypses, and, of course, sex. That's what this is; but "love" sounded more atypical for Hour of Slack. Music includes Consortium of Genius, ESO,n The Swingin' Love Corpses, Elvis Presley, The El Queso All-Stars, the Broadway cast of "Guys n' Dolls," StAllio, Heart Ignition, The Bran Flakes, Mark Mothersbaugh, and The Rainmakers. LeMur collages collide with the listener's inner brain. It's radio-safe. |
Tue, 2 November 2021