The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast
The Church of the SubGenius Weekly Radio Ministry
Hour of Slack #1444 -- Least Planned Show Ever

"The Truman Bentley Hour" - Live at WCSB, 2013-12-15 - This live broadcast took place during an exceedingly hectic week, and we went in with ZERO preparation. Luckily, because our beloved listener Rev. Niholas Johnson had mailed them to us, we had the bizarre newsletters of TRUMAN BENTLEY to read on the air. Stang also read some strangely SubGeniusly bits from Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. Then Lonesome Cowboy Dave called in and everything went to Helle (as opposed to "Hell"). Near the end is some shocking gossip by Stang: anecdotes about the sex lives of that New Wage band, The Devos. Much of the background music is by Christian Blatter.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:19pm CST

Hour of Slack #1443 - SubGenius Ultimate Xistlessnessmess Mix Rerun Special

What are the holidays without reruns? This is the hoary old annual traditional Xmas Re-Rerun of #867 (and 921 and 1026, 1077, 1129, 1236, 1338, etc.), which was itself a condensation of some ancient year's 3-show "Best of Xmas Sickness" compilation, which were themselves the concentrated best-of from 15 years' worth of previous Xmas SubGenius and other Xmas weirdo collections. Includes over 66 separate tracks/songs/bits! And no, not one bit has been changed in all these years. We are ON XISTLESSNESSMESS VACATION from Hour of Slack! 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:05pm CST

Hour of Slack #1442 -- SubGenius at Burning Man

In the year 2000, we must have had a lot more time for editing audio documentaries, because this is one TIGHT mix of location recordings from Burning Man 2000 (with Burners and Rangers Dr. Hal, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Ray Hey and others) -- interwoven with Stang's rather excited reports on it as blurted afterwards on WCSB's ESO Swamp Radio to Lonesome Cowboy Dave, host Chas Smith, and caller Rev. Ed Strange. Not only was this Stang's first trip to Burning Man but also one of the first digitally-edited Hours of Slack (as opposed to cassette-mastered shows of the 1980s and 1990s). The stereo recordings are pretty evocative. We went back to BM in 2001 with Princess Wei, and that was the last time for everone but Dr. Hal, who alone is still a BM fixture. We would still love to do Burning Man again but the logistics of our own festivals, X-Day and Starwood, and the costs, have made that unlikely. Thus we are thinking globularly but acting loco-ly. 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:18pm CST

Hour of Slack #1441 -- The Shocking Truth About "Bob's" Dick

They never should have let ANY of us on the air this week. "Us" being Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Princess Wei, Rev. Stang, Puzzling Evidence, Philo Drummond, Dr. Hal, Phineas Narco, The Amino Acids, Mr. Fernandinande Lemur, Einstein's Secret Orchestra, and especially G. Gordon Gordon. 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:31pm CST

Hour of Slack #1440 -- SLACK FRIDAY Insane Show (Live 2013-11-24)

If you thought last week's show was crazy, you'll need to plug your ears and hide from this one. The first half is remarkably sedate: an unreleased Negativland live recording from their 2012 tour, with Crosley Bendix explaining why there can never again be any original music, followed by Princess Wei's reading of a touching rant by Rev. Chocolate Velvet (with music by The Flyin' Ryan Brothers). But then Dave calls in, and Stang starts sneaking especially ear-futtering stereo LeMurian clips into the mix. It gets more chaotic, psychedelic and surreal than usual -- OLD SCHOOL Hour of Slack! Then, Dr. Sinister arrives. AIEEE!

$35 2-for-1 SubGenius Membership SLACK FRIDAY Special Sale Button


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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:51pm CST

Hour of Slack #1439 -- The Dobbs-Nobbs Feud - Live 2013-11-17

We had so much fun doing this live show that we forgot to post it in a timely fashion! Also, The Time Being threw some changes our way. Friday turned into Sunday and vice versa. The first 20 minutes of the show is tossed best-of, by Glassmadness, LeMur, Rev. Bleepo Abernathy, RSO, and a minute or two of Slack from Rev. Stang. Then the live part starts and it's all like vomitous pronunciation of "Bob" as magma beneath crust of reality - practical sentences that sound like surrealism - Emperor God-Man Stang. Wounded foot to Femur Camp. Velveena. Swollen heads in Hell. We laughed at eggheads who said the ocean was tripping on acid rain. Econocataclysm - "Bob" can surf solar waves using a 55 chevy as a surfboard  - the Nobbs versus the Dobbs! With background music by Christian Blatter! 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:18pm CST

Hour of Slack #1438 -- Ask Dr. Hal: The Reason for and Nature of the Universe

Dr. Hal answers, TO THE VERY HILT, twenty extremely varied questions from SubGeniuses, and in so doing fully and concisely explains the Universe. Seriously. Most listeners will also learn their own reason for living. This episode of Hour of Slack represents the pinnacle of Man's wisdom, accumulated over millennia. (Sorry.) Recorded before a live and inquisitive audience, 7-6-13 at Wisteria during 16X-Day, and pretty much uncut. The last two questions and answers have been removed from the broadcast version of this episode, because they were not nice questions.


You can Ask Dr. Hal yourself via and

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm CST

Hour of Slack #1437b - WCSB Pledge Drive Special

It's pledge drive time for Hour of Slack and WCSB-Cleveland this week. Between premium-plugging and money-begging by Stang, Doe and Dave, Stang reads emails from would-be moochers and plays back phone messages from drunken Gimme-Bobs, both of which we got all month instead of actual orders. WAS *YOUR* DRUNKEN MESSAGE OR WHINING EMAIL IMMORTALIZED ON THE SHOW? Tune in and see if YOU YOURSELF were a topic of conversation.

To make an actual donation, and avoid being an unnamed subject of the moocher bashing, call 216-687-6900 to donate to the station!

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:12pm CST

Hour of Slack #1437 - The Complete 1998 Starwood Devival with Einstein's Secret Orchestra

After 15 years in suspended animation, we unveil this excellent recording of a historic SubGenius devival with the band ESO or Einstein's Secret Orchestra in their devivalin' prime. This was professionally recorded before a large audience two weeks after X-Day "1998," on the main stage at the 18th Starwood Festival. This Internet version is uncut; the broadcast version doesn't have Chas Smith's song "Us and All Our Friends Are So Fucked Up," which is presented here in its live sing-along glory. The band features Chas on vocals and keyboards, Michelle George on electric violin, Lonesome Cowboy Dave on guitar, Bob Mozick on drums and Princess Wei on vocals. Preacher Rev. Stang goes hard in the motherfuckin' paint as well. The is probably one of the best recordings of any live SubGenius stage show -- and it's one of our best shows of the 1990s. The devival is book-ended by some cut-ups and compositions by The Large and includes LeMur's PR Gnus.


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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:24pm CST

Hour of Slack #1436 - The Largest of ScrubGenius Rants

Half the show is best-of The Large collages (utilizing bits from many SubG and Quasi-SubG arteests) and the other half is Stang reading three great rants posted by others on the ScrubGenius forum: "Yes, Virginia, There IS a Jack the Ripper" by Ride Theory, "The Weaponized Ape" by The Good Rev. Roger, and Rev. Nigel's "Don't Believe -- KNOW!" rant. Harkens back to the olden days when Stang did the live parts of the show alone. The background music, by The Rudy Schwartz Project, The Flyin' Ryan Bros., The Amino Acids and The Psycho Skeletons all kicks ass. 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:05pm CST

Hour of Slack #1435 - X-D w/ Man-D

Mostly recorded the afternoon of July 5 in this year, which the Con confidently calls "2013," this live Wisterian Hour of Slack features as guests Rev. Angry Larry, Phat Man Dee and Priestess Pisces, with Dr. Hal and Rev. Stang acting as co-hosts. Everything from mud to matriarchy is discussed, and illustrative sound clips punctuate the conversation. Music emits from Phat Man Dee, The Amino Acids and The Slot Rods. Near the beginning we hear documentary recordings of the gathered SubGeniuses awaiting the Xists at 7 a.m., and Stang's shocking public revelation of an astounding recent scientific discovery involving the carbon dating of PORTIONS of Dobbs' famous memo, "The World Ends July 5 1998." Also: LeMur's P.R. Gnus. 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:49pm CST

Hour of Slack #1434 - Rev. Susie the Floozie's 1000th Show!

This week we salute Rev. Susie the Floozie's ONE THOUSAND-TH EPISODE OF "BOB'S" SLACKTIME FUNHOUSE on WREK Atlanta by playing it whole. This is probably the GREATEST Hour of Slack ever, and it's really a "Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse! The general subject is The Conspiracy, but it is like "SubGenius 101" and the Church in History, compressed into one hour of Killer Kollages a la The Flooze, perfect musical interludes, and some truly incredible rants -- especially Susie's sermon on how she became her own Frankenstein! You'll die when you hear "Or Kill Me," and you'll live again when you ARISE!-surf. Starring EVERYBODY, even the mysterious "Heinous Anus!"

Help support "BOB'S" SLACK TIME FUNHOUSE. Donate here, or live in the shame of being a stingy stinkypink moocher:

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:54pm CST

Hour of Slack #1433 - The Religion Shut-Down - Live Oct. 6

First half of the show is a kind of The Large SubGenius Best-Of, with rants, music, and mind-rip galore by dozens of SubGenius auteurs, revamped and all muxxed up by The Large. Includes some Puzzling Evidence. The second half: Lonecow, Sinister, Stang & Doe duke it out in dork talk and fluent gibberish from the studio of WCSB-Cleveland. Topics include other things besides mind control, but all topics ARE mind control. 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:01pm CST

Hour of Slack #1432 - The Invisible Show with Rev. Susie the Floozie, Rev. Faux

This was an unannounced, and unamplified, "secret" show recorded at Wisteria after Stang had tricked everyone into thinking the "studio" was shut down for the day. He lured Rev. Susie the Floozie and Rev. Faux of Hypercube up to Tarzan's Radio Station (cheap mics and a mixer on a picnic table), where they simply had a typical SubGenius conversation, not that there really is such a thing. There's also Puzzling Evidence and some music tracks inserted: Evolution Control Committee, The Slot Rods, and an NCN/Firesign Theatre smashup. A few of the topics: Asshole SubGeniuses. Unreleased but edited X-Day DVDs. Teeters and hooters. Winn Dixie vs. Piggly Wiggly, Bob Clampett, Beanie and Cecil cartoons, and the Wildman of Wildsville. The Hidden Ass of Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent -- what is he hiding? Townsfolk, pagans, Starwood and X-Day. THE SECRET OF DICK DOBBS REVEALED. When Wei was evil. How many of each species fit in Noah's Ark, vs. the Space Shuttles?

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:26pm CST

Hour of Slack #1431 - Crazy Doktors & the Best of X-Day B.O.

Little bit o' collage, little bit o' X-Day, little bit of everything. Ranting, yakking by Dr. Hal, Dr. Legume, Rev. Baby Bear, Dr. Sinister, Rev. Stang, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Phineas Narco, callers (Dok Zir, Pope Jannus Blackseed, The Large). Songs/music by Phat ManDee, Andrew the Impaled, Amoeba Knievel, The Psycho Skeletons, The Flyin' Ryan Brothers, The Slot Robs, The Large, and The Sultans of Ping. Good cross section of "2013" SubGenius radio, live music and homebound geekery.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:33pm CST

Hour of Slack #1430 - Radio in the Raw - Live from Caffeina's

Dr. K'taden Legume and Rev. Baby Bear join Dr. Hal and Stang on the Wisteria stage for yet another unedited Whour of Babble-On, this one recorded on July 4, "2013." The "Witch Disco" album by Einstein's Secret Orchestra is the background music. Among many other subjects covered: Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. The Naked Bobtism and Brain Eating Amoebas. Tree Lobsters of the Lost Island. The SubGenius Anthill. 1 minute of Slack worth 70 years of torture. Edgar Cayce and the George Pal movie, "Atlantis." Resurrecting dead enemies to torture them more on X-Day. It's OK to repent on your deathbed, "Bob" won't mind. Destroying brain cells leaves room for new false memories. Backstage at the Cacophony show. Nekkid SubG pics and the Internet. Mumblecore. Some good monster movies. Papa Joe Mama, Dr. Kevorkian, Jack Chick, comics, and SubGenius. The Enemy You Know Best. Reverend Got Too Drunk. Last SubG Death Planet Standing. Legume's Planet of Broken Glass. Smiths vs. False Smi. Fartyrdom, not martyrdom. It's God's fault. We're hard on Daves. The Daves of Our Lives. The argument for pet-killing. Legume's Bobtism career. 55 Minutes of Slack. The Split Second of Slack. Masturbating in the womb.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:58pm CST

Hour of Slack #1429 - Rev. Susie The Floozie, Baby Bear, Dr. Hal, Pulpo Paul

Rev. Susie the Floozy and Rev. Baby Bear join Dr. Hal and Stang on the Wisteria stage last July 3. After a chatty beginning, Stang springs a surprise on Susie by unveiling and projecting an old video game, Pipe Mania for the PSP, starring HER! Background music/ collage from the DOBBSEDELIASTES DVD is by Uncle Dr. Onan Canobite, Rev. Norel Pref, Rev. Ivan Stang, The Swinging Love Corpses. Subjects of discussion include: night creatures of the Wisteria campground; the nature of the Church and all humanity; baby Rape Bears; Old Sequa; poor microphone use by Robert Anton Wilson and Philo Drummond; SubGenius RPG trivia; testicle difficulties; bulldada as "money" on The Saucers; the tragic story of Paul the Octopus; Dr. Hal, the Human Wikipedia; pronunciation of GIF; worship of legumes vs. worship of clip art. We thought we'd have to edit this live X-Day show like crazy, and we did, but only to remove Rev. Stang's endless fiddling with technical problems. (In the end it turned out that engineer Stang was not crazy or incompetent this particular time; a simple mic input which had been fine the day before had gone bad overnight.)

Photos of this show from 16X-Day

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:39pm CST

Hour of Slack #1428 - Howll 'n Stang's Wonders of Zoology In Disguise with Glasses

This is the pretty much uncut second hour of the first day of 16X-Day Drill daytime stage recordings. Until the end, it's mostly just Dr. Hal Robins and Rev. Ivan Stang having a conversation. (We are joined by the SubGenius Women's Auxiliary next week.) Subjects discussed: "Bob" beer koozy condoms. The Human Millipede. There's a beehive in my nutsac. Why we have a bloody tablecloth on stage. The travails of preemie Naked Mole Rats born on an iceberg in a snowstorm. Don't make desert tortoises pee! Toad zit juice and lizard spit as medicines. Rape isn't funny except when we attempt it. "Bob" porn and photos of the real "Bob." True Smiths and False Smi. Religion is good if only for getting rid of witches. The 3 Stooges brand Snake Oil. Mexican Laurel and Hardy. Google Glasses. Santa bills us. Krampus and Little Black Peter. God as played by Morgan Freeman and Pappy Stang. The Smith Family Reunion. Rod Serling, SubGenius. The Great Secret: Judy in Disguise by John Fred and His Playboy Band

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:03pm CST

Hour of Slack #1427 - Live 2013-8-25 - Man, Marijuana, and The Man / Internet Hate

The piteous whining of Lonesome Cowboy Dave's prisoner is heard in the background of the live discussion involving Dave, Dr. Sinister, Stang & Doe. MANY subjects both topical and uber-trivial are discussed, including: 'Frop; cops harassing outdoor festivals; souls in canisters; brain eating amoebas; GTA IV as a murder weapon; the horrible racist trolls of the Internet and AM radio, versus reality; 'Frop; good news is no news; the Life After People golf course. Non-blabber includes two live Rainmaker songs, "There's a Frop farm Over Yonder" by The Mutant Mountain Boys, some mind-fuckery by The Large and also The Bishop; instrumentals by The Psycho Skeletons and Uncountable Fisted Tails of Connie. And of course, PR Gnus.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:57pm CST

Hour of Slack #1426 - A Beloved Dobbs-Approved Episode from 1986

Fossil SubGenius at its best. Being a rerun of Hour of Slack #61 (late 1986), it features: Classic Explanatory Media Barrage 5 and "Intro Barrage" mix; Young Puzzling Evidence solo; Stang's report on the first Hour of Slack volunteer meeting; Dr. Philo Drummond "On the Road"; Palmer Vreedeez' World Without Slack scene with Jesus and Jim Jones, read by Stang; Dr. Ahmed Fishmonger's "The Mutron" educational lecture (shortened due to an accidental broadcasting of the word "fucking"); Stang making excuses for the "fucking"; the touching ""Bob" Cleave" song by early Drs. 4 Wotan (Sterno, Satellite Weavers, Stang); Dr. Hal and Gary G'Broagfran operate on Puzzling Evidence; Stang's long "Drunk Tank" spirit-filled rant (over "The Final Squirt" by The Swingin' Love Corpses; Rev. ann's UFO Radio tape; "Bob" & Dad's Sex Education; the renegade priest from The Poseidon Adventure; The Baab; The Drunken Preacher;and the song "Froppin'" by The Swinging Love Corpses.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1425 - The Conspiracy is Out-SubGeniusing Us!

Pisces' inspiring improv rant at 16X-Day starts things out… no wait, The Rainmakers doing their greatest '80s hit (a couple of months ago) starts this out. Then it's "Best of X-Day" all the way down. St. Andrew impales gun nuts; Evolution Control Committee controls magnetism; The Mutant Mountain Boys whip it; Phat ManDee out-Hendrixes Hendrix; The Slot Rods ram it home; and Dr. Onan Canobite (via Rev. Stang) explains why the important thing is to SHOW UP. Dr. Hal and Rev. Stang, and Dr. Sinister, and Lonesome Cowboy Dave, do various radio bits, real and unreal

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:20pm CST

Hour of Slack #1424 - When Dinosaurs Ruled The Hour of Slack

There is more about osteoderms in this episode than in most Hours of Slack. Dr. Hal and Rev. Stang were live, in front of an audience, doing Hour of Slack using Tarzan's Radio Station on July 2, the second day of 16 X-Day Drill, in Caffeina's cafe at Wisteria campground. And that's where we are for most of this show, which includes performances by Evolution Control Committee, The Mutant Mountain Boys, The Slot Rods, St. Andrew the Impaled and an extra special bowel-tearing rant by Rev. Tao Joannes with Multiple Fisted Tails of Connie. The only bits NOT from X-Day are PR Gnus and collages by LeMur. And Stang's hastily-recorded credits and garbled explanations. The show ends with a RIPPING recording of The Mutant Mountain Boys doing "May Your Records Be Unbroken."

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:04pm CST

Hour of Slack #1423 - Dr. Hal, Dave, StangDoe & Callers on Syn

...(and the Near-Death Experiences of Moles) 2013-6-30

'Twas the Day Before X-Day Week, and we took over Dr. Sinister's Radio Synesthesia at WCSB Cleveland. There were several callers (including a very special guest caller!), and needless to say the subject of X-Day veered off into discussions on the Near Death Experiences of animals (moles, for instance), the tragic tale of Little Johnny Suck-a-Thumb, the identity of The Fifth Beatle, Pittsburgh as the new Portland, and the typhoon that was raging outside the radio station the whole time. SubGenius callers include Dr. Zirroneous, Rev. Tawdry Milquetoast, and Jannus Blackseed, plus No Money Mark and other Syn regulars. But can you identify the secret special caller? There is no music in this episode, nor live tracks from 16X-Day, because we're readying ourselves for the Detroit Devival and short on edit-time.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:18pm CST

Hour of Slack #1422 - Boobs & Bands of "Bob" at 16X-Day

Presenting the first of the EDITED 16 X-Day shows, utilizing choice tracks recorded live at X-Day "2013," with a post-X-Day Synaesthesia talk show forming a rude "skeleton" for the "meat" of live performances. As Dr. Hal & Rev. Stang reminisce, we cut to the subjects of their reveries: the Naked Bobtism, the Bulldada Auction, a truly powerful new song by Andrew the Impaled, music by The Slot Rods, Piscean ranting with Uncountable-Fisted Tails of Connie, collages by Rev. Susie the Floozie, The Mutant Mountain Boys' unique back-up singer, and the rain. The seemingly endless rain. (It wasn't actually all that endless, just ill-timed.)

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:07pm CST

Hour of Slack #1421 - DOBBSTOWN!! - 16 X-Day Show with Dr. Hal #1a - Live from WCSB, June 30

Dr. Hal joined Stang, Doe, Dr. Sinister & Lonesome Cowboy Dave for one last broadcast show at WCSB Cleveland before 16X-Day, but then they talked about almost everything but X-Day, and in an unusually lively manner. Subjects include: Blown blue whales. The Moreau Option and maleable genetics. Monsterdome in Texas. Cowboy outlaw honcho cheroot spouting! The upside-saddle. The Bizarro SubGenius World. ACTUAL PHOTO OF "BOB"!! COSMIC DOBBSTOWN X-DAY RANT. Feral babies in Cleveland sewers. The Declension, the Clenched Fist, and The Rulership. Third Nostril boogers and baby devils or imps. Gran-mal paranoia. Giant Women Movies. We are mere hours from The End - Recess. At the beginning: collages mostly from the early SubGenius Media Barrages and alt.binaries.slack (by Stang, Werner, Drummond, Hambone, LeMur etc.); a fine collage by Rev. Susie the Floozie closes things.

This quintet of yakkers went on that night for another two hours of radio on Dr. Sinister's show, Radio Synaesthesia. Clips from that will probably be rerun here later, but not necessarily in sequence.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:44am CST

Hour of Slack #1420 - 18th X-Day Drill Report #1 - Live from WCSB, July 7

Dr. Hal and Rev. Stang returned from the rugged and muddy X-Day campground to Cleveland's WCSB just in time to razz Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Dr. Sinister and all seven listeners about everything they missed by not camping in the rain this year. They actually missed a lot, and our sympathies go out to all like them. We are running this breathless immediate report first, but it will be followed by the pre-and-post X-Day "2013" recordings, more or less chronologically, for probably the next 20 Hours of Slack. This year's unique physical challenges probably generated some of the best moments that were captured. Luckily, the location and soundboard recordings all sound great, which almost makes up for the world NOT ENDING, GOD DAMN IT! Oh well. Back to the old drawing and quartering board.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:59pm CST


And it's a rerun, a real oldie. Hour of Slack #535. It's WHAT WILL HAPPEN ON X-DAY, in excruciating detail. It features what may well be the most forceful (and informative!) rants ever delivered by both Rev. Ivan Stang and Dr. K'taden Legume, sermons recorded in moments when those worthies were totally caught up in the thrall of "Bob" -- divine messengers, as it were, helpless to do anything but preach the hardest truths of SubGenius Orthodox Dobbsian doctrine. Punctuating these heart-staking sermons are some of the most intensive so-called "Media Barrage tapes" from the 1980s, especially segments from St. Byron Werner's historic cassette collage masterpieces "Space Age Bachelor Pad" (the actual origin of that hipster genre catch-phrase) and "Dougs, Drugs and Doctors." Voices heard from the old SubGenius Media Barrage tapes include Dr. Philo Drummond, Hellswami Satellite Weavers (the great SubGenius "ur-illustrator" narrating into a tape deck on a drive through Meteor Crater, Arizona), Former Pastor Buck Naked, Dobbs' bodyguard Dr. G. Gordon Gordon, Pope Michael Flores and even Janor, back in the olden days. We should have been running this episode annually, and would do so henceforth, were not X-Day imminently nigh.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:31pm CST

Hour of Slack #1418 - Rev. Susie the Floozie's X-Day Super-Show

It's a great episode of "Bob's" Slacktime Fun House from WREK-Atlanta, and it's the kind of incredible collage tour-de-force that we're all coming to expect, and hear, from Rev. Susie the Floozie. Is there such thing as coming too hard to hear something? FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF with this astounding collision of everything end-of-the-world and UFO, badsongs especially. You'll also hear some classic snake-oil selling and UFO-contactee blithering. It's like the whole "New Age" packed into one hour. You'll puke with joy at how stupid humans show themselves to be! -- even when compared to SubGeniuses.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:36pm CST

Hour of Slack #1417 - SubGenius All-Star Olde Hierarchy Doktors On the Loose

MAYBE we'll use up the Ask Dr. Hal radio show recordings from our visit to San Francisco last winter, BEFORE Dr. Hal comes to Ohio for X-Day and we record dozens of NEW shows' worth of material. The stretches of ADH used herein involve special guests Stang, Philo Drummond, St. Palmer Vreedeez of LIES Foundation, Puzzling Evidence, Pete Goldy and K-ROB. It's all seasoned with many new Lemur collages, two new (mind-blowing) Rudy Schwartz Project songs and one old one done with Stang, now heavily revised -- and, for the first time, explained. As usual with Dr. Hal shows, monster movie and comic book trivia vies with Dobbs and SubGenius trivia. Listeners are also privvy to a location recording in which Rev. Stang's desert hikes begin to mingle in his mind with his favorite video game, Monster Hunter.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:40pm CST

Hour of Slack #1416 - Annual Live Pre-Pre-X-Day Pre-Preview Re-Rupture-Rama

X-Day is coming, so a great "Planet X vs. Classic X-Day Songs" opening assembled itself from songs by King of Slack Bill T. Miller, ESO, The Kirkendahl Void, and The Mondo Retardo Band (Lonesome Cowboy Dave) -- combined with sacred movie dialog clips regarding MONSTER ZERO, selected by Mister Sister. But after that had been played, and the "ON AIR" light went on, and Lonesome Cowboy Dave called in, we proceeded to go off on miriad tangents and didn't talk about X-Day much at all. Dave took advantage of an unusual technical problem in the studio, an inadvertent reverb caused by the phone line inexplicably staying loud on preview speakers that are supposed to automatically shut off whenever the mics are live. After failing to defeat it, we rode the glitch. Government monitoring of private communication is discussed (but probably not even monitored). A few items of gossip heretofore kept secret regarding upcoming future SubGenius events are leaked, mainly concerning Pittsburgh Devival June 22 and X-Day/Starwood the first two weeks of July. THEN it gets WEIRD.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00pm CST

Hour of Slack #1415 - "Bob's" Most Beloved Slogans, Revised! (Dr. Hal, Stang, Drummond, LIES)

(We're posting this episode a week early, because next week we'll be off-line, riding the preaching circuit.) In Ask Dr. Hal radio show excerpts, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Stang and St. Palmer Vreedeez (LIES) compose all-new variations on "Bob's" most beloved aphorisms. Of course, the conversation veers off into many unexpected corners too. It's all interspersed with an avalanche of collages by LeMur, The Large and Rev. Royal DeCapitater. We get music from Fishbone, The Great Groovy Neptune, and the movie TRAIL OF THE SCREAMING FOREHEAD. The show ends with a bold proposal from Rev. Just John.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:44pm CST

Hour of Slack #1414 - SubGenius in Movie Prophecy & Alien Science (John Dies at the End)

This episode is designed not only to make you feel as if you've lost your mind, but to actively rot that selfsame mind, for reals. Though recorded live on WCSB, 2013-5-19, half of it is music, collage and extremely (coincidentally?) SubGeniusful movie dialog clips. John Dies at the End (2012) and an episode of Tales of Tomorrow (1951) both contain uncannily SubGenius-centric stretches, which flabbergasted us when we saw them at an iDRMRSR/Dr. Dark movie night. Dr. Dark also provided us with a "scientific" monograph which describes alien cultures as researched via remote viewing -- a classic of its kind, read in UFO Channeling Voice by Stang. Mind-wrecking music is by Fishbone, ESO, The Rudy Schwartz Project, and The Amino Acids with a new song (!); collages are from Rev. Royal deCapitator and The Large. We also hear preaching by Brother Freddy of the rogue SubGenius hate group, The Westeros Bobtist Church. Special guest stars: Jack Chick and Lonesome Cowboy Dave (whose buzz this time proved to indeed emanate from the station, not Dave).

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1414.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:42pm CST

Hour of Slack #1413 - Ask Dr. Hal Show with Stang & Drummond - Prayer War

With our new ElectroHypnoMentalephone, we can't go wrong in ANY KIND of Show production! Music by Fishbone, The Sultans of Ping, and The Rudy Schwartz Project; AMAZING new collage bits from The Large. All the rest is from the Ask Dr. Hal Show from Radio Valencia in San Francisco, a Feb. 22 episode with Rev. Ivan Stang as guest. Philo, Puz, and Vreedeez were also in the studio, but distracted by their drone-stalking of bystanders on the streets outside the studio. Their contributions came later in Hal's show, which will be heard on future Hours of Slack. In the meantime, unfortunately: THIS.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:16pm CST

Hour of Slack #1412 - UFOdors and Bigfeet (Puzzling Evidence Feb. 22 with Stang/Doe, Dr. Hal)


Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1412.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:38pm CST

Hour of Slack #1411 - The SubGenius Video Game / Live 2013-4-28

This episode isn't ONLY about the SubGenius Video Game, but that project is discussed in detail on a recent Puzzling Evidence show. We play more new songs by The Rudy Schwartz Project and an El Queso oldie, some new/old collages, and much live chatter by StangDoe in the studio and Lonesome Cowboy Dave phoning it in, as it were. (His BUZZ is GONE!) We had no idea what we were going to talk about going in, and we ended up disecting the movie Upstream Color, the new "Bob" Hates Pinks movement, sex trends at X-Day Drills, rival cults, and scaly-legged hippie lizards. Stang reads a bit from THE PSYCHLOPAEDIA OF SLACK.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1411.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:44pm CST

Hour of Slack #1410 - Puzzling New Rudy Schwartz Evidence

 The Rudy Schwatrtz Project has a new album in distribution, Full Frontal Klugman, and we premiere here three golden tracks (including a cover of SLC's "Pick A Booger") plus a SubGeniusly special promo. Much of the rest of the show, interspersed with LeMur barrage and other chunks, is from the February 22 Puzzling Evidence Show recorded at KPFA, Berkeley, when Wei and I, Stang were visiting. (Dr. Drummond was engaged in an important medical experiment that night/morning.) Subject matters include the "Bob" department store chain, the SubGenius video game and abusement park, and speculation about who would win -- Hitler or Jesus? A Psycho Skeletons cover of a Nirvana song closes the show.

It's a good thing that our contributors spend so much time crafting their segments. We at Tarzan's Radio Studio in Cleveland Heights, where Hour of Slack is assembled, must perforce swing hurriedly from show production to show production; for instance, the credits for this were recorded "on the run" in the Slackermansion bathroom.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1410.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:17pm CST

Hour of Slack #1409 - Jonathan Winters Tribute - Uncensored Rare Recordings

For those who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, the late Jonathan Winters was THE sick weirdo comedian. (We were too young for Lenny Bruce, and The Goon Show was only in England.) For many of us in the USA, Winters was our first exposure to true improvisation and stream-of-consciousness surrealism. So, Winters' recent death was my excuse to a) file an extension on my taxes and b) cram all of my Rare Winters collection into one show. Except for short calls from TWO Daves (!), the whole show is Winters performing, not on stage or TV, but for his friends. Much of it is out-takes from recording sessions for commercials, some of it is phone messages left by Winters to his agent Jim Smith. We know that younger folks think of Jonathan Winters as that fat guy who played grandpas in sitcoms, but long before that he was planting seeds of Slack through Insanity into the brains of young mutants. Incidentally, we could make another whole Hour of Slack out of JUST Winters talking about UFOs, one of his favorite subjects. But we won't.

The Internet-only version of this show has an extra 6 minutes at the end -- Winters doing some racially based humor that we suspect wouldn't be properly understood in context by some radio listeners.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:49pm CST

Hour of Slack #1408 - Live 2013-04-07 - Back Out of the Saddle

Upon our return to the Cleveland Heights Slackermansion after a four month road trip, we did an old-fashioned live show at WCSB with collages, music, Puzzling Evidence clips and the buzz that sometimes comes when Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in. We plan to buy Dave a cell phone. Collages this time are mostly by Rev. Baby Bear. Songs by The Rudy Schwartz Project and Jonathan Coulton. Background music by Cult of Zir and The Psycho Skeletons. Subjects covered include: Desert Hiking Hints. We Need a New iEverything. Things that Novelty Dinosaurs are Made Of. Pest Western and the Roach Motels of America. Forbidden Geology and the New Names for Crazy Rock Formations. Rain in Death Valley and tortoises who pee themselves to death.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1408.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1407 - Complete Nerd-Out with Philo, Stang, Peppe, Wellman & Hal

Herein we present the last hour of the Ask Dr. Hal Show of 2-15-2013. It opens with an exceedingly, perhaps even painfully in-depth disection of the movie SON OF KONG, the actual fate of Skull Island, and very large butts (hence the JoCo cover of "Baby Got Back"). Other topics covered: eating frogs; Bobbies and X-Day; Zappa sucks; Hose vs. Hos and HoS; Winterstar and Prof. Chas Smith; giant pills; drugs and listeners; Radio Carpal Tunnel; Manopause; Jack Kirby comic book monsters and their underpants; kindergarten meth heads; Kona, Monarch of Monster Isle; demigods of X-Day; hiding from reality.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:14pm CST

Hour of Slack #1406 - Monkey Zombie Life with Michael Peppe & Dr. Hal

We again intersperse parts of the Ask Dr. Hal Show of 2-15-2013 with appropriate Jonathan Coulton songs and F. LeMur's collage work. The conversation is energetic, as this episode especially features the great Michael Peppe along with host Dr. Hal and other guests Dr. Philo Drummond, Puzzling Evidence and Rev. Stang. Many subject matters are touched upon, or in some cases struck forcefully, including zombies -- but not the Pink kind -- and monkeys, including the Pink kind. Also: devil worship and the Church; slug bears; Tartar sauce; bootstraps vs. petards; immortality, Philo-style; SubGenius Chain Gang Lounge Music; Steeple People and the fact that those who call everybody else "sheeple" usually fit the definition of "sheeple" perfectly; and bluff and lies as a path to self-confidence and confidence schemes.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1406.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:08pm CST

Hour of Slack #1405 - Stang, Philo, Dr. Hal - Suckling Morpheus's Nipple

Dr. Hal, Rev. Ivan Stang, Dr. Philo Drummond, Puzzling Evidence, "Spy," and Rev. Michael Peppe were in top form on Dr. Hal's Radio Valencia show of 2-15-2013. Dr. Hal's shows have a markedly different sound from the Puzzling Evidence ones; there are fewer mics and mouths on at once. Despite a discussion of Morpheus's slumbermilk, this is not a sleepy show. Now winding down our long road trip, we managed to do a little editing on this one; five on-topic Jonathan Coulton songs about monsters are interspersed with the talk. Compiling elaborate shows with 30 to 50 tracks (like "normal" Hours of Slack) will have to wait until we're back in the Cleveland office -- soon. Nonetheless, I, Stang, would actually recommend this show for beginning listeners.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1405.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:27am CST


Second hour of a lively Puzzling Evidence show with host Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Dr. Hal, Rev. Ivan Stang and Popess Lilith in the KPFA studios, plus esteemed callers Dr. Gary G'broagfran, Rev. Baby Bear, Michael Peppe and others. Music at the open and close is by The Psycho Skeletons and Half Man Half Biscuit; collages by LeMur.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1404.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:18am CST

Hour of Slack #1403 - The Space Between Your Ears

You might call this the Hour of Slack / Puzzling Evidence Mash-Up of 2013-02-15, Part One. It's a little easier to hear than the last two solid-PuzEv shows. Collages by LeMur and music by The Psycho Skeletons, Mythical Burrowing Animals, Multi-Fisted Tails of Connie, and even Macklemore are inserted as brief respites from a Puzzling Evidence barrage of voice, involving Puzzling "himself," Philo, Hal, Stang, and Popess Lilith (on vacation, like Stang) in the KPFA studios, plus callers such as Rev. Baby Bear and God.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1403.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:55am CST

Hour of Slack #1402 - StangDoe on Puzzling Evidence Pt. 2 - Clown Atlas

Second half of the 2-hour Puzzling Evidence show of Feb. 8, 2013 with Dr. Hal, Dr. Philo Drummond, Rev. Stang, Princess Wei 'R.' Doe, K-Rob, Michael Peppe and numerous callers, including Rev. Baby Bear. Topics heatedly discussed include the then-upcoming asteroid-Earth collision, red dwarf stars breeding superior beings, the Princess Wei Fan Club, Hal's 12 step success and real estate plan, The Party of Giant Sharks who can't sleep, New Advanced Amoebas, the Steeple People, Richard the Third's skeleton, more Church, less air, the cerebral "taint" and more. "This show is The Brain's Bumper Sticker." The last 8 minutes are actually the first 8 minutes of a very early show, #287.


Philo's Description: "The Show regulars are joined by KROB, Michael Peppe and the STANGS (not a new bandname) in whirlwind food service performance that goes beyond the pail or bucket, as it were. In this Show, Church Secrets, Inside-Jokes, Overly Extended Concepts, Preposterously Loveable Conspiracy Theories, are killed while the callers fight desperately for a word. The Puzzling Evidence Radio Show on KPFA. Like an fine old chum bucket filled with half-baked concepts and sweet pickles in an arresting array of florid putrefication."

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1402.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

Hour of Slack #1401 - StangDoe on Puzzling Evidence 2-08-2013 Pt. 1 - The Crack In the Hole

End of the reruns! We're leaving the San Francisco Bay area after sitting in on a total of 12 hours of live radio on the Puzzling Evidence show (3 2-hour episodes) and The Ask Dr. Hal Show (2 3-hour episodes). Philo's description of Part 1 of the first of the Puzzling Evidence ones: "The Show regulars are joined by KROB and the STANGS (not a new bandname) in whirlwind food service performance that goes beyond the pail or bucket, as it were. In this Show, Church Secrets, Inside-Jokes, Overly Extended Concepts, Preposterously Loveable Conspiracy Theories, are killed while the callers fight desperately for a word. The Puzzling Evidence Radio Show on KPFA. Like an fine old chum bucket filled with half-baked concepts and sweet pickles in an arresting array of florid putrefication."

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1401.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:25pm CST

Hour of Slack #1400 - Best of Media Barrage 5 - Rerun of #849

A favorite episode from the old days. Full of the best oldies from the revised Media Barrage #5 classic tape, mixed with startlements and wonderments from many far-flung contributors and "sister" shows -- all new, in 2002, anyway.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:24pm CST

Hour of Slack #1400.5 XXX - Internet-Only Triple-X Special

With this X-Rated Internet-Only episode, which shan't be broadcast on any of our beloved actual radio stations, we finish up the recordings from 15X-Day. Philo Drummond's "Boys Will Be Boys" is the centerpiece, surrounded by songs and anecdotes about Dr. Drummond and his 'Frop. Some music with unsavory lyrics by the X-Day ever-changing jam band (and ECC) spices the show, along with sideshow marvel St. Andrew the Impaled's self-and-others-mutilation patter, and a sick song by Dead Body Sects. We open however with two classic performances from Bro. Cleve "Donut" Dunkan from the 1985 SubG album "Bad Doktors," including The Brag of the SubGenius and SubGenius Alphabet. Thanks also to LeMur, S. Sarcastro and Ministry of Slack for collages.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1400.5XXX.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:33pm CST

Hour of Slack #1399 - Rerun of #824 - A Good All 'Round Old Show

This one features lots of clips from our Media Barrage #5 album from the early 1980s, plus good ESO Radio, "Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, and Puzzling Evidence that was current in 2002 and still holds up today despite a slight change in wars. Lymph Node Institute rants, Susie the Floozie collages, Two Beans music blips, a Midnight Voicejail classic ("Chap in the Hood"), and much "miscellaneous" packs the hour. This is from after we started doing the shows digitally (as opposed to on cassette tape) but before the Sacred P.O. Box was relocated to Cleveland.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1399.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:09pm CST

Hour of Slack #1397 - Rerun #981 - LeMurianist Peppe-paloozer

I, Stang have been too busy doing almost NOTHING AT ALL (lollygagging on vacation) to even listen to this rerun, so I hope it's a good one. The log indicates that it's at least half collages by LeMur and ranted-word masterpieces by Rev. Michael Peppe, so it probably is. There are evidently also clips from a Stang Starwood sermon, some Radio Synaesthesia excerpts and music by a few mysterious characters, including The Amino Acids crossed with The Swinging Love Corpses. This is mostly from late 2004. But don't count on reruns forever; lots of 2013 shows are in the works. We're just taking our time. "Slack comes first in the life of any Initiate." -- "Bob"

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1397.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:40pm CST

Hour of Slack #1396 - Rerun of #923 - Devival Rants: Carter, Pisces, Man, Lymph Node

We'll be back to all-new shows soon. Meanwhile, reruns like this one from 2004 are cutting us some much-needed Slack. This episode is a cross-section of a rousing Cleveland devival combined with some choice live ESO Swamp Radio from the late Chas Smith's WCSB show and some Lymph Node Institute rants from "Bob's" Slacktime Fun House (WREK Atlanta). We hear sermons from preachers Rev. Carter LeBlanc, Priestess Pisces, and Rev. Stang, and songs (or something) by the incredible Man, Inc. of Detroit, Lonesome Cowboy Dave's band Mondo Retardo, The Flyin' Ryan Brothers, Norel Pref, and even The Beastie Boys (!).

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1396.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:35pm CST

Hour of Slack #1398 - New Music, Old Preachers, Young Jack

Due to unforeseen circumstances we are posting HoSlack #1398 before #1396 and #1397. (Those two are reruns and this one has time-sensitive info (Detroit Devival on 1-30-13.) A little bit of everything in this show: last summer's X-Day recordings veined with Media Barrage classics and Puzzling Evidence. Slackmaster Sarcastro, Evolution Control Committee, The 4-Letter Words, Andrew the Impaled, Phat ManDee, G. Gordon Gordon, ESO Swamp Radio rants, The Rudy Schwartz Project, LeMur, The Psycho Skeletons, Amoeba Knievel, even Princess Wei's fave boy-toy, Jonathan Coulton. The centerpiece is an amazing blues improv by Priestess Pisces, Phat ManDee, and Several Fisted Tails of Connie called "I'm So High."

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1398.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:45pm CST

Hour of Slack #1395 - Part 2: Rev. Susie the Floozie with Stang, Wei & Vaylor - Live on WREK

This is the uncut second half of a two-hour special live episode of Rev. Susie the Floozie's show on WREK-Atlanta, "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, with the visiting Princess Wei 'R.' Doe and Rev. Ivan Stang as guests along with Rev. Vaylor Trucks of Bonobos Convergence. Two very weird tracks from Susie's bulldada LP Collection are featured: "The Nasty Picture" and "War" from the bizarre album "Worlds of Youth." Subjects covered in the live conversations: Radio you can smell; History of SubG radio; Dr. Legume Fan Club; Vaylor and Stang recite a Captain Beefheart poem from memory; The Shaggs; Doktors 4 "Bob"; no taste vs. no shame; porno religion; the Church a.i., Zeppo; badfilms and greatfilms about Nazis from space or the future; movie reviews; SubGenius Kids; Wiz of Oz; acid reflex; "Bob"; how well Ennio Morricone's score for "For a Few Dollars More" perfectly matches the Monster Hunter video game.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1395.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:28pm CST

Hour of Slack #1394 - Rev. Susie the Floozie with Stang, Wei & Vaylor

- Live on WREK Atlanta 2012-12-08

Rev. Susie the Floozie's show on WREK-Atlanta, "Bob's" Slack Time Funhouse, is almost always carefully prepared with exacting machine-gun editing. This episode is an exception. She allowed the visiting Princess Wei 'R.' Doe and Rev. Ivan Stang to join her for two hours of live radio, of which this is Part One. Later in the show they were joined by Rev. Vaylor Trucks of Bonobos Convergence. Two truly bulldada tracks from the Floozeum LP Collection are played: "Martyrs" from the incredible album "Worlds of Youth," and "Entropy" by Bruce Haack, one of the weirdest hipster albums for children ever conceived. Subjects covered in the live conversations: Canned Dave; Stang Ranch in South Hell; Don't Pray to "Bob"; monsters as religion; SubGenius shows history; the tech hall at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; the 9 Voyages of Sinbad; Video Game Addiction (on Stang's part); presenting a SubG Membership to Jonathan Coulton; the Hell of Weekly SubGenius Show Production; SubGenius Horror Hosts; Epcot Center; Mermaid Biology; Human Gullibility and Ignorance; Deer Crossings.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1394.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:19pm CST

Hour of Slack #1393 - Rerun #1000  (Live June 19, 2005)

Hard to believe, but The Hour of Slack has been running continuously on broadcast radio since October, 1985, and on the Internet since 1996 (in TrueSpeech!). This unusual installment, our 1000th, is dedicated to itself instead of to "Bob." Features audio and letters sent in by listeners and contributors for this special 2005 show -- plus our huge collection of celebrity show I.D.s.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1393.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:07pm CST