The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast
The Church of the SubGenius Weekly Radio Ministry
Hour of Slack #1340 - SubGenius @ Starwood Festival 31 (Part 2)

We return to Starwood festival for the second half of Rev. Ivan Stang's annual Sermon to the Pagans, which includes readings from a rant by Rev. Sinphaltimus Exmortis as well as a quick but bone-chilling history of the Rosicrucians -- originally a 17th-century satire-on-cults, but from which grew most of the deadly-serious New Age movement, the O.T.O., and zillions of splinter-group False Prophets. The Rosicrucian origins and end results might not be as bone-chilling to the average person as they are to the minority of folks who created or contributed to satires on cults, only to find thousands of dipshits and numbskulls taking it all too seriously. The sermon is followed by a Q & A with the audience. Also included are a song by Phat ManDee and African collaborators recorded in the acoustically weird Pufferdome, numerous location recordings made by Stang and Wei, and a funny interview with Starwood co-founder Jeff Rosenbaum (aka St. Stymie de Bergerac) conducted by Church of All Worlds cofounder Oberon Zell (from the podcast "Pagans Tonight").

Photo Report on Starwood 31  

Starwood 31 in 5.5 Minutes video

"Bob" Appears at Starwood, Very Late at Night



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Hour of Slack #1339 - SubGenius @ Starwood Festival 31 (Part 1)

Being the Disbeliever Mascot of a huge pagan festival has its perks. The first half of Rev. Ivan Stang's annual Sermon to the Pagans is the main feature of this episode, which also includes a righteous short SubGenius sermon by Rev. "Suds" Pshaw and a longer interview with Stang conducted by Church of All Worlds founder Oberon Zell for the weekly podcast, "Pagans Tonight." There are also some location recordings and observations by Stang & Wei from Starwood, including a discussion with Lord Thatan himself, and even little bits of Ask Dr. Hal and a LeMur collage that we saved just for a Starwood show. Next week will feature Part 2 of Stang's sermon and more location recordings. Stang's sermon is not really all-Stang; it includes readings from shorter SubGenius-defining rants by Dr. Onan Canobite, Rev. Phineas Narco, the kooks of alt.slack and scrubgenius, and others.

Photo Report on Starwood 31

Starwood 31 in 5.5 Minutes video

 "Bob" Appears at Starwood, Very Late at Night

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Hour of Slack #1338 - SubGenius Ultimate Xistlessnessmess Mix Rerun Special

What are the holidays without reruns? This is the annual traditional Xmas Re-Rerun of #867 (& 921 and 1026, 1077, 1129 and 1236), which was itself a condensation of some ancient year's 3-show "Best of Xmas Sickness" compilation, which were themselves the concentrated best-of from 15 years' worth of previous Xmas SubGenius  and other Xmas weirdo collections. Includes over 66 separate tracks/songs/bits!

TO DONATE (and to see detailed logs of all shows):


SubGenius Foundation Google+ page

Ivan Stang Twitter Page


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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:30am CST

Hour of Slack #1337 - 7 AM July 5, "2011" - Waiting for the Xists

We had so hoped that we wouldn't have to produce this particular show; we had hoped that our Pleasure Robots and Sex Goddesses would edit it for us. Much of this show was recorded (on a video camera operated by Stang) on the last day of the 14 X-Day Drill, the morning when we awaited the Saucers from Planet X and once again got shafted instead of beamed up in a shaft of light. Various songs and other live Hour of Slack business from the Wisteria stage build up to the recordings of the Moment of Truth, which had to be edited considerably for the broadcast version. This Internet version, however, is not only uncut but has a bonus extra 9 minutes of blather and palaver from the participants as we all tried to work out why the aliens keep NOT Rupturing us up to our promised Escape Vessels. Considering that this was the 14th time we've been let down, and technically the 16th year we've Drilled, the gathered SubGeniuses were pretty good sports about it. The louder participants include Dr. K'taden Legume, Dr. Hal, Papa Joe Mama, Princess Wei, and Rev. Susie the Floozie. Incidentally, this whole Drill was shot in 3D by a documentary crew, although their project is about SubGenius in general rather than just this festival.

After 16 shows derived from 14X-Day recordings, next week is our Traditional Xistlessnessmess Rerun, and then we move on to Starwood, a very different festival held in the very same place.

Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

14X-Day in 11.5 Minutes video


OUR CATALOGS: and SubCafePress

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am CST

Hour of Slack #1336 - Ministry of Slack Live at 14X-Day

The new kids on the SubGenius radio block are The Ministry of Slack. That show, with a large revolving cast, has been around as a podcast for a few short years, making the old-timers (Hour of Slack, The Puzzling Evidence Show, and "Bob's" Slacktime Fun House) look like mummies. Being strictly a podcast, not a broadcast, they are not beholden to FCC rules. Also, they all live in different places. At 14 X-Day the entire crew met and performed truly live for the first time. Rev. Xister of Ministry of Slack recorded it and sent me a pre-censored version with breaks for insertion of music/collage, which includes TWO new Rudy Schwartz Project songs, an Outmouth brainrip track, The Large, and De Capitater. There's also one clip each from The Puzzling Evidence Show (an unusual Philo-caller moment), and from Radio Synaesthesia (Dr. Sinister's impression of Southern Ohio).



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:46pm CST

Hour of Slack #1335 - Themeless Live Show 11-20-11 with Priestess Pisces, Pater & Petal Nostril

This show ended up even more chaotic than I, Stang, expected, and I expected chaos. For the first time ever, I let somebody besides Lonesome Cowboy Dave phone in and participate: Priestess Pisces. This was also the first time we've had live guests in the studio besides Dr. Hal, Dr. Sinister or Paul Krassner, if my memory serves me -- much less TWO Space Princesses. After the requisite 15 minutes of songs/collages/mini-sermons (Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw, Little Jack Melody, The Puzzling Evidence Show, The Duke of Uke and The Rudy Schwartz Project), it's all talk. Subjects include: the Buzz of Dave; scrapple; the new Google+ and Twitter sites by which I am gradually being replaced by tough women who use me as their plaything; The Rudy Schwartz Project videos; horrible recent news-making events and even worse puns derived thereof; controlled nose hair growth; pepper spray as a sex aid; "Bob's" DePends; some talk of Thatan's problems at Starwood and 14X-Day Drill; and Lonesome Cowboy Dave's habit of saying "I'm sorry" a lot. It ends with a special recent cut by DEVO.


SubGenius Foundation Google+ page

Ivan Stang Twitter Page

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:42pm CST

Hour of Slack #1334 - Live 11-13-11 - "God Told Me To"

Old and new rants by Stang and Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw; Puzzling Evidence radio clips from KPFA Berkeley; old and new songs by The Psycho Skeletons, The Great Groovy Neptune and The Rudy Schwartz Project, Little Jack Melody, plus a mystery song of old; collages by LeMur and De Capitater; and half live at WCSB with Stang, Dave & Wei. Subjects covered include: Sexcrement - us and commercial radio - "Bob's" surprise appearances at Starwood, 14X-Day, WCSB videos on YouTube/revstang - Censoring The Girls of X-Day - Witches' Tits Vs. Gravediggers' Asses - People Against Free Speech Against the Rich - Stock Market is Up; Black Rhinos are down - Science According to Impotent Businessmen - God spoke to Stang - Mormons and Subs - God and the Republicans - Mattresse - future blending of sexes: 5 different ones - marriage between shemales and he-femmes. And much more.



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:57pm CST

Hour of Slack #1333 -- Live 11-6-11: Pledge Drive Madness

 Because HOUR OF SLACK is, among other things, a real show on a real broadcast radio station -- albeit a noncommercial one -- we have to do pledge drives. And we LOVE to. It's the ONLY time we get to act like REAL PREACHERS: shamelessly grubbing every possible penny from believers and/or listeners. We have edited this episode a bit to make it a generic pledge drive show, one that any of our sister stations can use for their own pledge drives, and we have tried to do it in such a way as to make it entertaining even to the Internet listeners who have not yet started being charged per download. (We are also preparing our listeners for the day, soon to come, when downloads will no longer be free. This is for SURVIVAL as much as for Slack.) There's some very funny material from new contributors like Dub Diablo and Rev. de Capitater, as well as old stand-bys like The Puzzling Evidence Show, Evolution Control Committee and Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw. But half of it is pure holy WHEEDLING by Lonesome Cowboy Dave and Rev. Stang. (Princess Wei and Dr. Sinister were on the phone lines taking pledges.) We thank those who pledged and, even more, those who have already donated, whether to us or to WCSB-Cleveland. Your donations are what keep the wheels of Slack rolling, and the grindstone of Slack nose-smoothing.

WCSB Masquerade video:

14X-Day in 11.5 Minutes video:



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:11pm CST

Hour of Slack #1332 - Live 2011-10-30: German SPIEGEL Article About the Church

Best Quote: "Bob" can take any shape he wants and stuff it into his wallet somehow.


Three Main Things: 1) Great new collages from The Large and Rev. Royal de Capitater.  2) Live sections wherein Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Wei and Stang take turns reading an incredibly bent babelfish computer German-to-English translation of an article about The Church of the SubGenius published in the big German news magazine, Spiegel. 3) A new song by The Rudy Schwartz Project and an old one by Warren Zevon. 4) Puzzling Evidence. We found a 1943 Tarzan movie about Connie and Jaynar, heard here. There is some sexist and exploitative talk with Dr. Sinister of the very successful and sexy WCSB Masquerade Ball.


Detailed WCSB Masquerade Ball pictorial and text report


Charleston Okafor, the host of the reggae show that precedes Hour of Slack on WCSB, African Abstract, touchingly discussed the annual WCSB ball, station staff and much more with us for a few minutes before our show started, heard here:





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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:25pm CST

Hour of Slack #1331.5 XXX-Rated - Internet Only - Meat and Teat Extravaganza

 This whole episode is just dirty and nasty from top to bottom. It includes "X-rated" clips and songs we've been collecting for a year. Anybody and everybody is covered. It's not an X-Day or even an especially SubGeniusly show, although there are a few clips from the last 3 X-Day Drills. Mostly it is material contributed over the last year -- 46 different tracks -- that were inspiring and funny to the gut-blowout degree, but just wouldn't work AT ALL in censored form. ONLY the subscribers and downloaders will hear this one; it could not possibly be played on any of the broadcast stations that normally carry Hour of Slack. This is the first show to feature some marvelous collages by a new contributor, Rev. Dr. Royal de Capitator. He'll be well represented in shows to come as well.

TO DONATE (and to see detailed logs, associated links for all episodes):


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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:30pm CST

Hour of Slack #1331 - OCCUPY TIME & SPACE Special - Live Oct. 23 2011 plus National Cynical

We don't usually do a lot with topical, current news, because we are more concerned with eternal verities. Also, there's too much lag-time between show production and most stations running them. This time, however, some collages by Phineas Narco of National Cynical (most of them shortened for this show) give the first half of this show a (twisted) political twist. Also, we enjoy teasing our friends who are more conservative than we are. Wei coined the term "Slackreligious" for the song by Popess Pantiara Evokavitch (with Rev. "Suds" Pshaw), "Feed the Stangs," although the term fits the whole show and in fact the entire Church. A new "Bob" hymn by The Cryogenic Strawberries, some recent Puzzling Evidence and a song by a charming "little girl band," ShiSho, are also worked in. The second half is mostly live with Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in, and like most live shows jumps erratically from subject to subject, mostly recent news. There's some great background music from The Flyin' Ryan Brothers' new CD.

The cuss-free broadcast version of this live episode ends at 59:39, but the Internet version goes on for another 11 minutes -- for Dr. Sinister, the host of the show following ours on WCSB Cleveland (Radio Synaesthesia), ran late. Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Princess Wei and I, Stang, were thus suddenly "the foxes in the henhouse," left to our own devices. We used the time to make ourselves an Hour of Slack promo for WCSB, an intro for Radio Synaesthesia, and to discuss The Flyin' Ryan Brothers, an oddity among SubGenius bands in that they sound like pros instead of SubGeniuses.

Note for Clevelandians: WCSB Masquerade Ball/Halloween party next Saturday Oct. 29 at Cleveland Public Theater, 9 PM; station Open House on Nov. 20 -- see



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:10am CST

Hour of Slack #1330 - Ask Dr. Hal @ X-Day Drill 2 (14X-Day Pt. 14)

The second and final round of Ask Dr. Hal Show live at 14 X-Day Drill, intermingled with Large collage and music by The Rudy Schwartz Project, Jonathan Coulton, The Psycho Skeletons, Fabrizio Fulvio Fiale (whoever he is!), Girl Talk and others. This one has four (4!) poem recitations by Dr. Hal as well. I, Stang, am lucky these various arteests are so good, because on my end this was an assembly-line-produced episode. (And even those, like reruns, are a pain in the balloon-toots in terms of sheer technical fiddling and linking and reformatting and so on. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING!) Thanks and praise be to everyone who has continued to donate to the show, and also for the extremely supportive letters. Everything is looking up. Way up.



Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:40pm CST

Hour of Slack #1329 - Live @ WCSB, 2011-10-09

 This was our first live broadcast show from WCSB-Cleveland since our financial crisis hit home. After some collage and great music (mostly arranged by The Large) we touch on that subject by reading a few of the many emails we got in the duration, letters which range from funny to quite touching. We alternated those with some limericks written by Rev. Hazel of the Windmills and Tater Gumfries, a song ABOUT taters by The Rudy Schwartz Project, and discussions of the Occupy movement, the nature of the Presidency, the sheer dumbness of humans (even as compared with SubGenii) and many other subjects, including an upcoming (Oct. 15) mini-devival near Cleveland, the NE Ohio Witches Ball. Note how carefully we don't exactly fund-raise. There is however a fund-raiser rant/collage at the very end, after a Ministry of Slack/Evolution Control Committee jam that ended the show in the broadcast, PG-rated version.



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:56pm CST

Hour of Slack 1328.5 XXX-Rated - Internet Only - The Burning of "Bob" (14X-Day Pt. 13)

Once again -- and thanks to the donators and performers -- we have another episode of over an hour of material just too cuss-filled or swearword-dependent to even attempt to make palatable for actual broadcast stations. Along with music by DJ 2Beans, Fat Free, The Evolution Control Committee, and Cult of Zir, there's a great rant by Rev. Jannus Blackseed, more Bobtism recordings, and a round of Ask Dr. Hal sections all dealing with bullshit, LICKING bullshit, peeing, bear rape, or bear penii. Other bits from the live Hours of Slack at 14X-Day lead up to an as-it-happens report by Rev. Stang on the riotous burning of an incredibly realistic "Bob" effigy (made by Rev. Wilhelm Stahlhelm), including a sudden realization of the Perfect Formula for Religion. The actual climax of the show, however, is 16 minutes of Dr. Zirroneous and Rev. Tawdry Milquetoast's recorded observations as they drive, forever, through Kansas on their way to the Drill. The audio is a bit challenging but well worth it in sheer gut-blowout laughs for any SubGenius who didn't grow up in Kansas but has had to cross it to get somewhere else.



Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill:

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:20pm CST

Hour of Slack #1328 - 14X-Day 12 - Ask Dr. Hal, Music of the Gods

Our crisis temporarily averted due to the pennies donated by our listeners (and in many cases even dollars), we are able to continue production! Thanks to everyone who SAVED OUR ASSES, but don't let that stop you from continuing to save our asses. This episode alternates between a great Ask Dr. Hal session from 14 X-Day Drill, and music or collages from everywhere else. Rudy Schwartz Project, Fabrizio Fulvio Fiale, The Large, Girl Talk, Little Jack Melody, Evolution Control Committee and Ministry of Slack are included, along with some surprises such as a remix by Munky Hyv of Popess Pantiara Evokavitch's great song, "When You Rage Upon a Pink." DJ 2 Beans did the background music (from an event at the Drill that was NOT a "rave.") Next week: a live show, followed by Ask Dr. Hal Part 2 and another XXX-Rated Internet Only show.




Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:06pm CST

Hour of Slack 1327.5 XXX-Rated - Internet Only - The Hour of Slack's Final Hour?

Except for some old Puzzling Evidence short clips that Wei found by MAGIC, and the ending rant, this episode (and 3 more you may never hear) was edited two weeks ago. But ONE week ago I realized that tragedy had already long since struck -- my eyes were finally opened by my bank account being shut. In true desperation I tacked on the ending rant. It is entirely serious and explains our situation. Long story short: we're worse, WAY worse, than just broke. (By "broke," for those who STILL don't get it, I mean FINANCIALLY broke -- deep in debt.) I didn't understand how bad the situation really was until I started asking for help online last week, and got lots of nice words, and some very nasty words, but mostly got ignored. Worse, some "SubGeniuses" razzed the more helpful ones for even suggesting that The SubGenius Foundation SELL THINGS. Uh… is the the church I thought it was? Did somebody pull a switcheroo? I had to ask myself: WHAT WOULD "BOB" DO? This is our next-to last-chance cry for help: FINANCIAL HELP -- not words of thanks, as DESPERATELY NEEDED as those were, and as much as I personally appreciate what we DID get along those lines. Actually there is one more step we can take if this extreme measure doesn't work. It's a step that only "Bob" himself would dare take.

For, next, unfortunately for many, many GimmeBobs, comes the SELLING. The uncontrollable rabid part that we kept chained as long as we possibly could.

Aside from all that, until you get to the ending, this is a really hilarious and/or inspiring episode! It is dedicated to Dr. Dark, Rev. Louie Louie, WEFT, WQFS, Rob Szarka of WCNI, Wei, Pisces, Suds, Legume and Nickie, all of the SubGeniuses who helped before I even began begging.

Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:18pm CST

Hour of Slack #1327 - 14 X-Day 10: Unbanned Bands and Banter

 There's a new album out from The Rudy Schwartz Project!! -- and we start playing songs from it on this show. We also have music from: Little Jack Melody and His Young Turks; The Duke of Uke; Boron Nuzzle; The Evolution Control Committee (and a jam by them and Ministry of Slack/Slanderbob); Rev. Jannus Blackseed; St. Andrew the Impaled; The Rainmakers; and whatever else is buried in ECC and the collages, which are largely by The Large. Most of this was recorded at 14 X-Day Drill and includes some of I, Stang and Dr. Hal discussing the bands themselves, and adventures with other bands such as Gwar.

Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:25pm CST

Hour of Slack #1326 - 14X-Day 9: Ol' Sequa and The Naked Mass Bobtism

The show starts with Part One of Rev. Frodis Pshaw's 3-part bio-rant and ends with a great Papa Joe Mama head-launching and sermon. In between we intersperse recordings from the actual Naked Bobtisms at the Wisteria pond and discussions of same that led up to it from various live Hours of Slack recorded at Wisteria with Dr. Hal, Papa Joe Mama, I, Stang, Priestess Pisces and Princess Wei. You'll get to HEAR lots of naked girls and men. Photos are on our website, although Wei was the only person (besides the 3D film crew) allowed to shoot, and she only shot peckers and butts, deliberately hiding the titties from me and everyone else, leaving only memories.

Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:42pm CST

Hour of Slack #1325 - 14X-Day 8: Pure Live Hour of Slack from Wisteria Stage with Dr. Hal, Papa Joe, Stang/Doe

This is the live on-stage Hour of Slack from Sunday, July 3 at the Wisteria café -- the first hour, anyway. After some media barrages it gets off to a somewhat slow start, as Dr. Hal and Papa Joe were both distracted and "multitasking" at first, leaving Princess Wei and I, Stang to, well, sing something horrible. Then it picks up steam as the other participants become more involved. I, Stang read from several key documents by other SubGeniuses. Nenslo's classic song "Take Me Off to Space" ends the episode. There was another half hour recorded that day, but we'll have to put that on an "X-Rated Internet-Only" show, as it involves some Dr. Legume Story Time. My personal favorite aspect of this episode is how much time it saved me for other SubGenius projects. I only had to cut a few cusswords for the radio stations, and there was none of the intense volume-twiddling and filter-rendering that goes with the 50-track "variety" episodes. Plus, let's face it, Dr. Hal and Papa Joe are god damned geniuses. Were it not for their Divine Follies we'd have to disqualify them from this particular religion. And it's a damn shame that Lonesome Cowboy Dave couldn't be there. Next week: The Naked Bobtism documentary.

 Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:47pm CST

Hour of Slack #1324 - Pink Rage SubMusic for SubMisfits (14X-Day 7: A Little of Everything)

One of the funniest Dr. Hal lectures in history (on Superman) is imbedded amidst some of our favorite songs by various bands from 14X-Day, as well as some killer rants ("killer" possibly meant literally in these cases) and some mind-rip collage by The Large. Songs include originals, parodies, mash-ups, experimental, and just plain Mental. Performers include Priestess Pisces, Evolution Control Committee, The Duke of Uke with Rev. Bunny Day, Popess Pantiara Evokavitch (SINGING!), Boron Nuzzle, Dr. Hal, Papa Joe Mama, St. Andrew the Impaled, Dr. Sinister, Rev. Jannus Blackseed, Phat ManDee and the award-winning heckler, Dr. Dark.

Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:10am CST

Hour of Slack #1323 - Secrets of the Church (14X-Day 6: Dr. Hal, Father Joe Mama, Ivan Stang, live 7-1-11)

We pick up exactly where we left off last week, continuing a detailed discussion by Dr. Hal, Father Joe Mama and Rev. Ivan Stang of the porta-potties or chem-toilets at Wisteria Campground Community in Southern Ohio, where the Church of the SubGenius held the 14th (actually 16th) X-Day Drill.  The discussion meanders all over the place, from that fearlessly detailed discussion of the campground toilet facilities to the nature of consciousness, quantum mechanics, Buddhist philosophy, global climate change, abortion, 2012, and even "Old Sequa," the monstrous thousand-year-old snapping turtle living in the depths of the Wisteria Bobtismal Pond. Every subject of any possible interest to nerds, scientists, religious fanatics, professional athletes, monster fans or highly attuned New Age Secret Masters is also covered, albeit sometimes in code. The important thing is that this was an hour that I, Stang, didn't have to edit much, thus granting me an entire WEEK of Slack to spend on experiences entirely unrelated to any of the above, such as the laundry.

 Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:19pm CST

Hour of Slack #1322 - Music, Sex, Rants, and Slack-Drugs of X-Day 14

The first half of the July 1 live stage "Hours of Slack" by Papa Joe Mama, Dr. Hal and I, Stang, interweaves through various main-stage X-Day music recordings, such as an improv mash-up by The Evolution Control Committee, a lesson/sing-along led by Pisces but with innumerable special contributions by the audience. Careful listeners may be able to detect cuts within "songs" between Stang's ambient recordings as he ran up and down the ramp from stage to audience, and the board recordings by Rev. "Suds" and Wisteria sound mixer Elliott. There's a song by Little Jack Melody And His Young Turks, from the CD "My Charmed Life," which had nothing at all to do with X-Day or SubGenius, but fit just right. (Thanks to Rev. Zafod for that one.) We also hear unscripted rants by Dr. Purge (a brand new Minister from Florida), and Rev. Sweetness McGee of SubG podcast THE MINISTRY OF SLACK fame. At some point Stang reads a short rant by Dr. Phineas Narco, a SubRadio Doktor who expected to be at the Drill but ran into problems.

There is no real theme to this episode, but it's representative of the second and third days of that X-Day Drill festival innacurately named the 14th. (It is actually the 16th Drill, as these started in 1996 with an idea by Dr. Legume and Jesus.) This episode climaxes, as it were, with an impromptu live duet by Priestess Pisces and Rev. Ennie, "Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?". We had no idea she could sing the blues like this. Princess Wei was also involved. The song is related to something Frank Zappa composed originally. Musicians Stick, Thatan and "Suds" seemed to be familiar with the Zappa song (I wasn't), or faked it well.

Updated Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:11pm CST

Hour of Slack #1321 - 14X-Day: It's All Pisces' Fault

This episode starts with two of the funniest rants every recorded at any Church event, ever, and they deal directly with The Butthurt of the Banned (or "The Church of the Butthurt"). Luckily for me, Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw did the fuck-cutting, and there was a lot of it; otherwise we would only have been able to use it on an X-Rated Internet-Only show. They were actually two of the very last rants delivered the night of July 4. They are followed by a half hour of "live at X-Day Hour of Slack" with Stang, Dr. Hal, and Papa Joe Mama from the June 30 session. The show ends with a sexy song about True Yeti Mates and an unusually sincere rant by Stang about why SubGeniuses should not kill themselves just because they aren't getting laid yet, have not found their True Yeti Mate, or feel otherwise Slackless.

Newly Updated Photo & Text Report on 14X-Day Drill

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:38pm CST

Hour of Slack #1320 - 14X-Day Music/Live@WCSB 7-31-11

For this live show broadcast from WCSB-Cleveland (with Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in), Stang and Wei describe their favorite 14X-Day Drill events and play some of the most broadcastable songs by various bands that played there. Featured are Evolution Control Committee, Tommy Amoeba, The Duke of Uke, Cult of Zir, Fat Free and Phat ManDee with Munky Hyv. Also heard are the Bobtism of Rev. Susie the Floozie and a poem about the prior X-Day by Rev. Hazel of the Windmills.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:23pm CST

Hour of Slack #1319 - 14X-Day 2: First Meows

Aside from the song with which Evolution Control Committee closed their fantastic X-Day Drill set, this episode edited itself. The live Wisteria café-stage Hours of Slack (begun on last week's broadcast) unexpectedly took off into a lively discussion by Dr. Hal, Papa Joe Mama and Priestess Pisces about CATS and the Conspiracy -- which provided the perfect framework for a "jam meme" from the first night's excellent jam/ranting recordings: the ongoing "Meow Mix," which grew from Pisces getting the crowd to sing along with SOMETHING into a horrible clinging inside-joke for this whole X-Day Drill (though certainly not the only one, BUTT-HURTEDNESS being another). There is actually some beautiful music included from that 6-29-11 jam, thanks to singers and musicians who happen to be actual touring professionals (such as Rev. Stick and Phat ManDee) as well as gifted amateurs like Princess Wei, Rev. "Suds" Pshaw, Rev. Hazel (on SITAR!), Rev. Catfeather and others. Collages by The Large open and close the show, but it climaxes with a variation by Pisces of "The Star Spangled Banner" that has to be heard to be believed. It sounds like Kate Smith backed by Hendrix.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1319.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:43pm CST

Hour of Slack #1318 - Live at 14X-Day 6-30-2011: Papa Joe Mama, Dr. Hal, Priestess Pisces on The Conspiracy

During the six days of X-Day Drill #14, we recorded daytime ranting and "live radio" (for later playback) in the Wisteria café, and at night we recorded bands, ranting, and jamming in general on the main stage. Everything was recorded at least 3 ways: off the sound mixing board (like this whole show), on a Mini-DV video camera, and with a good location recorder capturing ambient sound. That's a lot of hours of sound to edit. Perhaps luckily for me, at this writing I, Stang don't yet have possession of many board recordings after the first day. Normally I would intersperse the radio talk segments with music and fevered ranting, and by next week I'm sure I'll be able to. In fact, this week, were there perfect Time Control, and if I hadn't had to do the Starwood Festival (also at Wisteria) immediately after X-Day. I'd have had that option, as there are some wonderful jams and rants from the first two nights that I COULD have used.

I decided not to, partly because I have to get this damn thing in the mail and on the air, but partly because this first live Hour of Slack by Dr. Hal, Papa Joe Mama, and Priestess Pisces seems to flow just beautifully without any interruptions. Perhaps this is because I personally was off-mic most of the time. I even broke the main file up into segments to allow cutting to music -- but I don't think I would want to even if I'd had the time. The key SubGenius themes are discussed by these mighty yakmasters so well that inserting music and solo jeremiads seems inadvisable. It's uncut all-talk, and in this case all the better for that.

By next week I should have BOXES of board recordings of bands to choose from and compare to the location recordings I made. We have also almost finished a large gallery of carefully selected photos; they require only more accurate file-names to be added, unfortunately by me. Those, a detailed text report, and MP3s of some of the better music from early in the X-Day week should all be on the SubSITE 14X-Day pages fairly soon after I get this Hour of Slack episode out of the Slackermansion and into the world. (The web page doesn't have deadlines, but the weekly radio show does.)

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1318.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:05pm CST

Hour of Slack #1317 - Live 6-27: Radio Synaesthesia, Dr. Hal, Pisces: X-Day Approacheth III

Firstly, both the 14th X-Day Drill and Starwood 31 went off beautifully. Attendance was up and so were countless tent poles. We recorded so many wonderful and terrible photos, videos and audio clips that future Hours of Slack will reflect the culling process for a dozen episodes to come. This week, however, we are in both physical recovery and unpacking-mode, so we are lucky to have this easy-to-assemble final hour from the June 26-27 heroic all-talk 3-hour intermingling of Hour of Slack and Dr. Sinister's Radio Synaesthesia on WCSB in Cleveland. Live in the studio were Dr. Sinister, Rev. Ivan Stang, Dr. Hal Robins and Princess Wei 'R.' Doe; on the phone lines were Priestess Pisces, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Gov. Rocknar and someone called Wombat. Three very old collages by LeMur are included, but mostly this is uncut talk covering almost everything plus a little about 14X-Day. Next week: the first of many editing-heavy 14X-Day (and Starwood Festival) audio "best-ofs." We hope to have a photo essay or two in gallery form on in the EVENTS section fairly soon. The 23 hours of video may take more time to edit and transfer. Then there was the 3D documentary crew that shot much of 14X-Day; they had better recording gear than ANYBODY, so we can only imagine what that project will eventually produce. (P.S.: Last week's show was uploaded and put online from a coffeehouse in Athens, Ohio during Starwood festival #31.)

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1317.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:58am CST

Hour of Slack #1316 - Live 6-26/27: Radio Synaesthesia: X-Day Approacheth II

The good WCSB of Cleveland allowed Dr. Sinister’s show, Synaesthesia, to become a kind of “second and third Hour of Slack” with Dr. Hal, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Dr. Sinister, Ivan Stang, Princess Wei ‘R.’ Doe and several callers discussing excitedly the upcoming world-destruction and SubGenius-mating migration known as 14X-Day – which, aside from the fact that we are still stuck on a non-destroyed Earth, went beautifully at our new improved location, Wisteria. Detailed photos, recordings and movies of that event will follow in the weeks to come. In fact we are (at this posting) still at Wisteria, in the middle of the Starwood Festival, so forgive us for posting everything a week or more late. We have a truly incredible amount of footage and photos to edit, and we are barely physically recovered from the Ordeal of Slack.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:25pm CST

Hour of Slack #1315 - Live 6-26: X-Day Approacheth -- THE FINAL MOMENTS, Dr. Hal Vs. Lonesome Cowboy Dave

Dr. Hal of The Ask Dr. Hal Show and Puzzling Evidence joins us live in the studios of WCSB Cleveland for one last farewell to the planet. . . although we did another 2 hours on Radio Synaesthesia, immediately following this hour, which will comrpise the next two Hour of Slack episodes, probably. Cast of this intense episode: Rev. Ivan Stang, Dr. Hal, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Princess Wei, and Dr. Sinister. Frankly it is mostly Hal and Dave. Imagine trying to keep up with those two. Considering the deadline -- leaving the the planet in a few days, or at worst overseeing two week-long festivals -- this was by far the easiest show I, Stang, have ever done. Mainly I just watched the volumes and let the two masters have at it.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:23am CST

Hour of Slack 1314 - Live 6-19: X-Day/Starwood Weirdos; Agent & Dobbs End; Connie special

This episode is half-live (with a short half-life) with Stang/Doe and Lonesome Cowboy Dave covering many subjects, especially the weirder aspects of the upcoming SubGenius festivals (and of Dave). A quarter of it is new collages from Ministry of Slack, The Large and others; and the first quarter is Stang's reading of the finale of "The Agent and Mr. Dobbs" by Rev. Teeters LeVerge. We somehow managed to fit in yet ANOTHER quarter of a show featuring ACTUAL RECORDINGS of Connie Dobbs herself, and some more rare Firesign Theatre, also from the olden days.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1314.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:22pm CST

Hour of Slack #1313 -- Ministry of Slack, Agent & Dobbs Part 6, Phineas Narco Vs. Puzzling Evidence, Satan Vs. Jesus, Old Testament Dad-Sex

The title pretty much says it all. X-Day is approaching swiftly and we're trying to tie up all loose ends before the Earth cacks it. "The Agent and Mr. Dobbs" reading is almost finished, some excellent collages and teachings from The Ministry of Slack' recent best-of collection, and some choice bits of both Puzzling Evidence (with guest Phineas Narco) and prehistoric Firesign Theatre) make this episode mostly spoken-word. Exceptions are a new cut by St. Byron Werner's new band Mockingbird and a VERY short on from 14 X-Day guests Zero-Defects.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am CST

Hour of Slack #1312 - rerun of #1065 - X-Day Meets Burning Man

In this show we continue to dredge the past for The Rudy Schwartz Project, also King of Slack Bill T. Miller, but mostly we hover around 9X-Day for the great sermon by Rev. Pee Kitty, more of Ask Dr. Hal, and some intriguing reminiscences from Dr. Hal regarding both 9X-Day and Burning Man 2006, from which he had just returned.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:31pm CST

Hour of Slack #1311 – Rev. Susie the Floozie’s Apocalypse Special END TIMES PORN

Wei and Stang have been on the road, plotting 14X-Day festivities at Wisteria campground with its managers, which gives us the perfect excuse to play the perfect rerun: Rev. Susie’s stupefyingly hypnotic yet terrifying and hilarious uber-collage of source materials all pointing at the inevitable End of the World, X-Day, July 5, as prophesied by “Bob.” It is unlike ANY “normal” Hour of Slack and even weirder than most Susie collage shows. We dare you to identify EVERY source before she identifies them all at the very end.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1311.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:40am CST

Hour of Slack #1310 -- May 21 End of the World Special (live 5-22-11) plus AGENT Pt. 5

Harold Camping and his July-5-Deniers suffered only their SECOND wrong end-of-days prediction the day before this was recorded. What AMATEURS! We've been having End-of-the-World parties annually on July 5 for 15 YEARS. Needless to say, we have a more mature perspective -- for a bunch of professional MOCKERS. The show starts and ends with truly ancient (1980) SubGenius recordings (including our very FIRST TIME on any radio show), plus a little 1970 Firesign Theatre. Stang reads THE AGENT AND MR. DOBBS by Rev. Teeters LaVerge (Part 5 of 7) and then Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in to join Stang and Wei in discussing false prophets, upcoming devivals, the general vanishing of Stang's Texas accent, and other subjects of dire importance in the modern world. The rocker "Nature -- I Hate It" by The Swingin' Love Corpses climaxes the show 

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1310.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm CST

Hour of Slack #1309 - The Agent & Mr. Dobbs Pt. 4 / Misc. Mash-Up

Stang again reads from "The Agent and Mr. Dobbs," Part 4 this time, supplied to us by Rev. Teeters LaVerge. We also feature more rare recordings of our inspirators, The Firesign Theatre, from their 1970 Radio Hour Hour, only recently unearthed for the book/DVD set called DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS. There's some new Puzzling Evidence clips from KPFA Berkeley, with PE, Dr. Hal and The Large calling in (Philo is mending a broken leg). Several truly classic Dobbs hymns from the old days are included, by Nenslo, Glassmadness, Onan Canobite and Lost Souls, Inc. It ends with a rant by Dr. G. Gordon Gordon that will last the ages.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1309.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:10pm CST

Hour of Slack #1308 - The Agent & Mr. Dobbs Pts. 2 and 3 - plus Firesign Rarities

An unusual episode! One third is Stang reading from "The Agent and Mr. Dobbs," Parts 2 and 3, a top-secret manuscript from 1962 that was supplied to us by Rev. Teeters LaVerge. Another third is priceless, rare recordings of our inspirators, The Firesign Theatre, from their 1970 Radio Hour Hour, only recently unearthed for the book/DVD set called DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS. Unless you have that book/DVD set, or are an elderly Californian, you have not heard these particular Firesign pieces. (Notice that Phil Austin, in his TV Guide take-offs, mentions both "Bob" and X-Day -- in 1970!) The rest includes strangely pertinent songs (new to us) by Girl Talk, Laibach and Tom Smith, and some extreme oldies by Puzzling Evidence (from 1979, BEFORE his radio show) and Einstein's Secret Orchestra live with Stang and Lonesome Cowboy Dave at the Starwood Pufferdome in 1999.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1308.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:50pm CST

Hour of Slack #1307 - Audiobook: The Agent and Mr. Dobbs Pt. 1 (Live May 1, '11)

After a mere 10 minutes of collages and fellow Show-mongers (Puzzling Evidence, Susie the Floozie, Firesign Theatre), Stang reads Part One of Rev. Teeters LaVerge's ongoing report/short story, "The Agent and Mr. Dobbs." Rev. Angry Larry covers DEVO (SubG-style) and then Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in to discuss his tumor, the theft of his thunder, his cousin's panties, Princess Wei's tail, modern health care, "Bob," and The Conspiracy. Stang reads a revised, updated version of Martin Niemoller's "Then They Came For The . . ." and reveals secrets of Doktors 4 "Bob." Part 2 of Onan Canobite's classic "B.O.B." closes the show.

We will attempt to read the rest of "The Agent and Mister Dobbs" on subsequent shows, because it gets better and better. (Teeters has translated and delivered up to Part 6.)

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1307.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:48pm CST

Hour of Slack #1306 -- The Bepiped One Cometh: New Oldies 1970 to 2011

Inspired by Rev. Suds' "best-of" show last week, and motivated by a lack of Time Control, this episode is a mix of Classic Old and Unheard-Of New, plus some New Very-Old. Truly new pieces by The Psycho Skeletons, SODDI, The Large and Rev. Maynard Brainard mix with previously very rare Firesign Theatre radio bits (from 1970 -- yet NEW!). Half the show however is pulled, yanked, and excavated from our archives of SubGenius original audio dating from 1977 to 2004. I, Stang, have set up a system whereby I can nab one audio file per album from all our old Media Barrage and Bobsong collections, as well as categorized material from Hour of Slack shows from the 1990s until around 2004 (when I stopped trying to categorize everything), and thus assemble relatively new-sounding shows from ancient crumbling bits of tape with relative ease.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1306.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:44pm CST

Hour of Slack #1305-PG -_Dobbs_Size_Clusterf--k[Radio_Edit] (Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw's SubClassics Media Barrage)

 This is one of the greatest Hours of Slack you will ever hear, because I did not edit it. I had a hard week, and who should pop up with a complete 1-hour best-of SubGenius classics media barrage of his own design to help me out, but Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw of MUNKY HYV fame (who will be at X-Day 14 ,by the way). Rev. Suds made this collage years ago from the CDs and DVDs in our catalog, never expecting anyone to hear it, but this week ITS TIME CAME. It's a wonderful pastiche of favorite SubGenius classics from the past, but it's HIS favorites and HIS mix of them. To me it is an almost TEAR-JERKINGLY good collection. And he even cut out the cusswords for the radio version. Now THAT is what I call a gift of Slack for me personally.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1305-pg.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:40am CST

Hour of Slack #1304 - Rerun of #1003 (2005) - 8X-Day/Starwood: Scoring Anyway

It's reruns again because we have to edit the taxes instead of new shows -- personal taxes as well as the Church taxes. YES, THE CHURCH TAXES.

This one is from only 6 years ago, but it has lots of Dr. Hal, Dr. Drummond, and Dr. Sinister along with us regulars, and some great collages from back when Rev. Norel Pref and Mr. F. LeMur were still sending them. Not much music, though. The X-Day subject matter is still as pertinent today as it was then -- DAMN IT -- except that the X-Day and Starwood festivals are now held at a much better place, Wisteria in Southern Ohio, every July 5 weekend.

To be honest, the main reason I picked this one is because it's one of the earliest that doesn't require a replacement of the PO Box number at the end, so I don't have to remake the MP3s and so forth. THAT'S how pressed for time and distracted I am right now. I have to RECYCLE Slack this week because mine has been used up dealing with Slack-theft. (After having Starwood "stolen" by Brushwood (or what was once Brushwood) last year, this year we are dealing with a "SubGenius" who is trying to steal X-DAY ITSELF, if you can imagine that.)

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1304.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:25am CST

HOUR OF SLACK #1303 - Rerun of #553 (1996) - Stang Fail / Christian Bashing

We are having a busy week so we picked a rerun that has been begging for 15 years to be reran. The first half is mostly a prime excerpt from the Chas-Stang-Dave ESO Swamp Radio shows of the '90s, an improvised mini-play in which SubGenius scribe Stang goes from being welcomed into the Conspiracy of the Rich to bumming wine money from Dave. The second half is largely from the Columbus 1996 devival, with a heartfelt anti-Christian rant by Rev. Steve Slack. It's all punctuated by some well-chopped Christian anti-drug praying and two songs by My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult. There is even a mini-rant by Rev. Jesus of the Church of the SubGenius.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1303.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:12pm CST

Hour of Slack #1302 - Monsters-Rants and New Old Firesign Theatre

A good old-fashioned all-purpose Hour of Slack with many of our top contributors, plus something very special: rare clips from very early radio shows by The Firesign Theatre, only recently unearthed. (Firesign fans who thought they'd heard it all are in for a GOLD MINE of "new" stuff!) Lots of ranting from X-Day 13, Radio Synesthesia, and Puzzling Evidence; music by Rainbow, SODDI, DEVO, Phat ManDee, Christian Blatter, and The Amino Acids.


Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1302.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:29am CST

Hour of Slack #1301 - Starwood 3 + Live on Gadhafi 3-20-2011

This week we deliver the promised ECC mash-up of JoCo's "Code Monkey," some other ECC, the question-and-answer session with Stang plus a Wei-Phat ManDee duet from Starwood 30 (2010), some Puzzling Evidence and colLarge. The second half of the show is live from the WCSB studio with Lonesome Cowboy Dave calling in to discuss War #3 in Libya. Stang reads some revealing sections from Moamar Gadhafi's "THE GREEN BOOK" as well as a short new rant by Uncle Dr. Onan Canobite. The upcoming 14 X-Day is discussed at some length. The show ends with an extremely catchy song by International Espionage! probably recorded at the DEVOtional of 2010. Special thanks to Paul Mavrides for the Gadhafi-head (from 1987!) and to Rev. Carter LeBlanc for Gadhafi's "THE GREEN BOOK."

New 14 X-Day promo pages (adults only):

A nice shot of the Gadhafi-Head Football discussed on the show, from 13X-Day:

There are some photos of Starwood 30 at Wisteria at:

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1301.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:53pm CST

The Starwood Festival as seen through the ears of Rev. Ivan Stang and Princess Wei, with commentary by Dr. Sinister and songs by: Corissa Bragg, The Evolution Control Committee, Jonathan Coulton, Electric Junkyard Gamelon, Phat ManDee and about 500 drummers. The centerpiece is Stang's review of the Starwood Guide Book, read selectively and with added gags and stray ramblings to the Starwood audience. Ends with a sing-along by Wei dedicated to the new X-Day and Starwood site, Wisteria.

There are some photos of this event at:

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1300.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:13pm CST

Hour of Slack #1299 - SubGenius 101 at Starwood 30

This week we start using recordings from Starwood 30 -- mainly Ivan Stang's "Introduction to "Bob"" sermon, and some chatter about the new X-Day/Starwood venue, Wisteria -- and music from many new CDs and other sources. Upcoming 14X-Day guest The Evolution Control Committee's new release is featured, along with new music by SODDI, Rev. Just John, Girl Talk, Slack-T and Jonathan Coulton.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1299.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:53pm CST

Hour of Slack #1298 - Live 11/2/27: SubGenius Family Vacation

We would like to apologize to all our listeners for subjecting them to an a capella SubGenius parody by Stang and Wei of "The Oldest Established" from the classic musical, "Guys and Dolls" by Frank Loesser. We had to do it, and we had to do it live in the WCSB studios. Luckily, it is preceded by a dozen wonderful collages by The Large (and one by Rev. Slanderbob) as well as clips from Puzzling Evidence involving The Large as a caller (presumably; The Large remains mysterious to us). Following the excruciating but X-Day-related "song," Lonesome Cowboy Dave calls in to comment on Ivan Stang and Princess Wei's hopefully humorous observations about highway travel, Quaint America and its denizens following a two-month "working vacation" that was considerably more vacation than work.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:29am CST

Hour of Slack #1297 – Puzzling Evidence Vs. Hour of Slack Finale

This is the last and best hour of the Feb. 4 Puzzling Evidence show, in which Rev. Ivan Stang and Princess Wei guested with the regular cast, including host Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Philo Drummond, Dr. Hal, Bishop Joey of The First Church of the Last Laugh, and some funny callers. Funny in the head. The show is full of lies; for instance, Stang and Wei did not actually return to the Cleveland SubGenius office until Feb. 22. Balancing the lies are important truths. If you can tell us the difference, we'd love to hear it. Bracketing the 50 minutes of mouth-spew are some collages by Puzzling Evidence. Next week's show, in theory a "normal" one, will probably reveal details of the quest behind our travels.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1297.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:08pm CST

Hour of Slack #1296 – Stang & Wei on Puzzling Evidence, Part Two

On Jan 28, 2011, Rev. Stang and Princess Wei joined Puzzling Evidence and Dr. Philo Drummond at KPFA in Berkeley for an hour and a half of live Show, of which this is the uncut LAST half hour – followed by the FIRST half hour of the Feb. 4 Puzzling Evidence show, for which Stang and Wei stuck around and were joined by the larger regular cast, including Dr. Hal and Bishop Joey of The First Church of the Last Laugh. The combination of the two broadcasts from a week apart illustrates perfectly why Dr. Hal is always needed, everywhere.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1296.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:02pm CST

Hour of Slack #1295 – Stang & Wei on Puzzling Evidence, Part One

On Jan 28, 2011, Rev. Stang and Princess Wei joined Puzzling Evidence and Dr. Philo Drummond at KPFA in Berkeley for an hour and a half of live Show, of which this is the uncut first hour. This episode is of scholarly interest because Stang, Drummond and Puzzling Evidence are practically the first three hyperactive devotees of J.R. “Bob” Dobbs after he let the Church go public. (Puzzling Evidence later shot “Bob.”) Content ranges from hilarious new discoveries to the maudlin reminiscing of old SubMen.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1295.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:30pm CST

Hour of Slack #1294 - Focus (If We Can't Take a Joke) on "Bob" (Rerun of 836)

What's startling about this classic episode is that, even though it was recorded in May 2002, it might as well have been recorded yesterday, SO LITTLE HAVE THINGS CHANGED. For that matter, the many excerpts from 1983's SubGenius Media Barrage Tape #5 sound even more relevant now than they did then! It is as if the Church of the SubGenius is always one jump ahead of the Conspiracy, if only in knowledge. (Think if it were POWER!) The centerpiece of this show is a recording of a truly brilliant -- and terrifying -- rant by Father Joe Mama, recorded in Hamburg, Germany. Everything about the show echoes uncannily and creepily with today's headlines. ((NOTE: We'll be back to new shows next week; this is the last rerun.))

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1294.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:01am CST

Hour of Slack # 1293 - Rerun of #777 - Slack Vs. Earth Vs. Mars

In the archive of old shows this one had a note scrawled on it: "GOOD ONE!" It features some fine excerpts from the Puzzling Evidence and ESO Swamp Radio shows of the time, early 2001, as well as truly bizarre music (The Bran Flakes, Great Groovy Neptune, The Band That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Big Mess Orchestra), a rant about The Conspiracy by Ivan Stang from the Winterstar Symposium, and another rant by St. @ndrew at a Tampa devival. But what makes this rerun special is that it is probably the first time we ever revealed on Hour of Slack (and in public generally) the truth about Earth and Mars -- that their orbits were exchanged by the Conspiracy. (Later we deduced that Mars actually changed places with Earth not in 1953 (as stated in this show) but during the so-called "World War 2.")

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1293.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:56pm CST

Hour of Slack #1292 - Rerun of #823 - All-SubGenius-Shows Best-Of

This might be one of the best Hours of Slack ever, because it's composed of some of the best of the other main SubGenius shows. Rev. Susie the Floozie's collage work jumps in and out between choice chunks of the Puzzling Evidence Show, ESO Swamp Radio form the turn of the century, and some astounding commercials by The Lymph Node Institute genii. The dependable old SubGenius Media Barrage tape #5 had also recently been digitized and was scavenged thoroughly. Altogether it is a cross section of SubGenius radio in its prime fighting condition. Highly recommended and produced.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1292.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:17am CST

Hour of Slack #1291 - God Vs. "Bob" Vs. Science (Rerun of #866 from 2002)

This extremely lively episode from 2002 features many great men expounding on various weighty subjects, wielding absurdly deep thoughts. The very rift of the chasm between science and faith is rent asunder -- by the great Zoogz Rift himself! That sentence, and this show, might not make sense . . . to PINKS! But it's a classic for SubGeniuses. Then-new songs (Zoogz, Drexel, Half Man Half Biscuit) comingle with choice LeMur cut-ups and the old BAD DOKTORS album -- betwixt bouts of excellent Puzzling Evidence Show (Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Hal, Philo Drummond) and ESO Swamp Radio (Chas Smith, Rev. Ivan Stang, Lonesome Cowboy Dave). Even Christopher Hyatt and Israel Regardie contributed a song to this one.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1291.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:17pm CST

Hour of Slack #1290 - DEVOtional/Collage Special 3

This show is similar to #1288, while completely and utterly different. Again we take the 2010 DEVOtional in Cleveland for all it's worth, which turned out to be quite a lot. We are proud to present more of those exceedingly unusual DEVO covers, and new twisted songs and instrumentals by Malcolm Tent, Nervous Energy, Fartbarf, Ken the Magic Corner God, International Espionage!, and the new SubGenius arteest, Slack T. Collages by The Large, LeMur, The Berea Tape, Outmouth and others clutter the proceedings just as Hour of Slack fans have been trained to expect.


Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1290.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:59am CST