The SubGenius Hour of Slack Podcast
The Church of the SubGenius Weekly Radio Ministry

And it's a rerun, a real oldie. Hour of Slack #535. It's WHAT WILL HAPPEN ON X-DAY, in excruciating detail. It features what may well be the most forceful (and informative!) rants ever delivered by both Rev. Ivan Stang and Dr. K'taden Legume, sermons recorded in moments when those worthies were totally caught up in the thrall of "Bob" -- divine messengers, as it were, helpless to do anything but preach the hardest truths of SubGenius Orthodox Dobbsian doctrine. Punctuating these heart-staking sermons are some of the most intensive so-called "Media Barrage tapes" from the 1980s, especially segments from St. Byron Werner's historic cassette collage masterpieces "Space Age Bachelor Pad" (the actual origin of that hipster genre catch-phrase) and "Dougs, Drugs and Doctors." Voices heard from the old SubGenius Media Barrage tapes include Dr. Philo Drummond, Hellswami Satellite Weavers (the great SubGenius "ur-illustrator" narrating into a tape deck on a drive through Meteor Crater, Arizona), Former Pastor Buck Naked, Dobbs' bodyguard Dr. G. Gordon Gordon, Pope Michael Flores and even Janor, back in the olden days. We should have been running this episode annually, and would do so henceforth, were not X-Day imminently nigh.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:31pm CST

Hour of Slack #1418 - Rev. Susie the Floozie's X-Day Super-Show

It's a great episode of "Bob's" Slacktime Fun House from WREK-Atlanta, and it's the kind of incredible collage tour-de-force that we're all coming to expect, and hear, from Rev. Susie the Floozie. Is there such thing as coming too hard to hear something? FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF with this astounding collision of everything end-of-the-world and UFO, badsongs especially. You'll also hear some classic snake-oil selling and UFO-contactee blithering. It's like the whole "New Age" packed into one hour. You'll puke with joy at how stupid humans show themselves to be! -- even when compared to SubGeniuses.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1418.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:36pm CST

Hour of Slack #1417 - SubGenius All-Star Olde Hierarchy Doktors On the Loose

MAYBE we'll use up the Ask Dr. Hal radio show recordings from our visit to San Francisco last winter, BEFORE Dr. Hal comes to Ohio for X-Day and we record dozens of NEW shows' worth of material. The stretches of ADH used herein involve special guests Stang, Philo Drummond, St. Palmer Vreedeez of LIES Foundation, Puzzling Evidence, Pete Goldy and K-ROB. It's all seasoned with many new Lemur collages, two new (mind-blowing) Rudy Schwartz Project songs and one old one done with Stang, now heavily revised -- and, for the first time, explained. As usual with Dr. Hal shows, monster movie and comic book trivia vies with Dobbs and SubGenius trivia. Listeners are also privvy to a location recording in which Rev. Stang's desert hikes begin to mingle in his mind with his favorite video game, Monster Hunter.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1417.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:40pm CST

Hour of Slack #1416 - Annual Live Pre-Pre-X-Day Pre-Preview Re-Rupture-Rama

X-Day is coming, so a great "Planet X vs. Classic X-Day Songs" opening assembled itself from songs by King of Slack Bill T. Miller, ESO, The Kirkendahl Void, and The Mondo Retardo Band (Lonesome Cowboy Dave) -- combined with sacred movie dialog clips regarding MONSTER ZERO, selected by Mister Sister. But after that had been played, and the "ON AIR" light went on, and Lonesome Cowboy Dave called in, we proceeded to go off on miriad tangents and didn't talk about X-Day much at all. Dave took advantage of an unusual technical problem in the studio, an inadvertent reverb caused by the phone line inexplicably staying loud on preview speakers that are supposed to automatically shut off whenever the mics are live. After failing to defeat it, we rode the glitch. Government monitoring of private communication is discussed (but probably not even monitored). A few items of gossip heretofore kept secret regarding upcoming future SubGenius events are leaked, mainly concerning Pittsburgh Devival June 22 and X-Day/Starwood the first two weeks of July. THEN it gets WEIRD.

Direct download: Hour_of_Slack_1416.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00pm CST